we get it, you're adorable

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*covering face with pillow so you don't see the blush* I can't believe you're my boyfriend.

Do you know how often I think of that? all the damn time. Why? Cause you're fucking amazing. And I'm your girlfriend. What?? So, yes, today was date two. And we took pictures this time! yeet. People always ask what you look like and now I have an up-to-date picture of you. Well, of you and me being adorable (mainly you). You're too fucking cute...and I love it. How the hell am I your girlfriend? I mean honestly; you're amazing, lovely, kind, handsome, intelligent, charming, hilarious, silly, childish, cute, awesome and just...happy. The kind of happy that you feel on your  birthday-that happy. And me? I'm not nearly as wonderful as you. You make everything wonderful. That's one of the two words that always come to mind when I think of you; wonderful and lovely. We compliment each other and yet, we are almost complete opposites. You're an almost full blooded American (minus your grandparents being Mexican), only child, extremely intelligent, over-achiever and just...wonderful. I'm a full blooded Hispanic through and through, I have an older brother, average intelligence (I'm on the creative side of things), procrastinate much too much and...odd. You're parents rush you into adulthood while mine cage me in childhood. Yet...here we are. Loving each other. You help me as I help you; with anything and everything. Whether its explaining something from school, just listening to a rant or even giving a much needed hug. We're here. And I love you....

Thanks for loving me too.

Sunshine by khai dreams

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