how a breeze carried you to me

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I went snow tubing yesterday

It  was 45 degrees outside

though I never wore my jacket

the cold air was exhilarating

my shirt was damp from the soft drizzle of rain

And I giggled

running up the ramp to go sliding down a hill

for what might've been the 5th or 6th time


i stopped, as if hitting a brick wall

the air....

I looked around, fast as lightning

my heart suddenly running a race

It you...

 I moved to the side, so I didn't block others

joyously going up the ramp

As I stood there, frozen

It smelled like

wood, rain, a forest, and an echo of cinnamon 

a thousand memories flooded my head

hugs, holding hands, sitting side by side

It was exactly you

a breeze blew my hair away from my face

and my hand suddenly felt empty

i looked down

still holding the tube

Though i wished it was your hand

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath

Don't worry, love

i whispered, so the demons couldn't hear

you'll be here....I'll be there... soon...

i promise

and so, i looked up the ramp

and ran, again 

though I could feel my heart pull apart

I knew I should carry on

pretend he's here

so I did

I laughed all the way down the hill

looking at the stars and winked 

wondering if you were looking up too

I miss you

and that moment

made me realize how much my heart aches for you


it also gave me new strength

to keep fighting for you

because, Love 

you are always worth it

-an air so sweet


And now i truly understand

an air so sweet

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