an ache that never dulls

18 3 1

how is it that everyday 

I find a way

to miss you more?

They say pain


over time.

nothing could be more wrong.

-my ache for you only grows

the echoes of your voice

calling my name

tear me

to pieces

pulling my heart

shattering my soul

because no matter how long I search 

I never find


-I hear 'Hossana?' at least twice a week, but nobody's there

i walked into a coffee shop 

and there you were

light grey shirt

black jeans

with a book I couldn't read the title of

but you were immersed in it


a soft smile gracing your face

A dream, I realized

pondering what to do

deciding to sit next to you.

Giving me the softest expression

you put an arm around my waist

'Hello, darling

you whispered lovingly.

I looked at you

wondering when I might be graced

with your presence again

taking note of every freckle

the yellow in your hazel eyes

and tears silently fell

down my face


it's going to end

but I smiled

you're here

'Hello, my Love'

-and you wiped my tears away 

this saturday 

I will get an ache in my chest

seeing the girls with their corsage 

I will walk away from the dance floor

when the slow songs are played

and search for your hand

even though I know it's not there

I will feel incomplete

without you

I will refuse to make this evident

to anyone, but myself 

I will drink punch

wishing it was alcohol 

if only to put me in a daze

and dull the pain 

I will miss you

even more

I will make a vow

to us

that we will go together

senior year

no matter what


I have so many songs

I want to sing

to you

and you alone 


will you stay 

and listen, my love?

-stay awhile

And of course,

I love you

to the moon and back💜💜💜

xanny by Billie Eilish

My Strange Addiction by Billie Eilish

Magic by Coldplay

Dive by Ed Sheeran 

Lost In You by Khai Dreams

Song for the Sleepless by Ollie MN

I Wrote This For YouWhere stories live. Discover now