The New Classmate

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Teacher : Good morning everyone, I have something important to say! We are going to have a new classmate!

He closed his mouth to point at the door, a guy enters the classroom. 

He has black hair and small eyes, thick thighs,.. OK, OK......, I already hate him, he looks like the guy that dates every beautiful girl of the school......Aarrrgh..

Teacher : Here is, Park Jimin, your new classmate

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Teacher : Here is, Park Jimin, your new classmate. Introduce yourself to your new friends, Park Jimin.

I already see all the girls drooling over I'm not that kind of girl..

Jimin : Hi, I'm Park Jimin, I'm 18 and I'm your new boy friend haha (really..?!). Hope it will be a great year.

Teacher : Great, you can take a seat.. ( guess what! The only empty seat, is the one next to me!) next to Yeojin.

I can feel his eyes on me getting closer, he put his bag next to the table and sat next to me without looking away, I can feel the heat on my face, I don't like when people stare at me! Worse now he's talking to me! ..

Jimin : Hey, Yeojin, nice to meet you.

Me : *without looking at him* Nice to meet you too.

Jimin : Can I ask you something?

Me : Sure, go ahead. (uhh why is he talking to me?)

Jimin : Are you..

Teacher : Jimin!



Anja and I are talking and eating our lunch on one of the hundreds of tables in the canteen. We are just talking about random things when she suddenly mentions someone.

Anja : Hey it's been almost half an hour that this guy is looking at you, I don't know him but...damn! He's good-looking!

Me : Are you serious right now?

Anja : Yes I am. Take a look, discreetly if possible..

I turn around to see it is....!!!!.. this black haired boy that I hate, I don't even remember his name... Ji..?. Jam?.. no no ..oh yeah.. that;s Mister Park Jimin staring at me again!

 that;s Mister Park Jimin staring at me again!

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He is with 6 other boys at a table. Why is he staring at me like that? What does he want from me?! OMG what if he's a stalker?! What if he..

Anja : YEOJIN-AH!!

I jump like an idiot..

Me : Yes, hey! Don't yell at me like that please! I have a weak heart, OK?!

Anja : Sorry for your little weak heart but you didn't react!

Anja : Do you know the good-looking guy?

Me : Yes, it's Jimin, he's in my class but I hate him.

Anja : Really?, why?

Me : I know he's the type of guy who gets all the girls he wants, and thinks that he's a god and no one can tell him no..

Anja : How can you say that without knowing him?

Me : His face tells everything.. 

Anja : Yeah, if you say so..

We ended our lunch and the bell rings.


I go home and hear my phone ringing. 


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We ended our conversation, and I went to bed after doing my night routine.

Few days passed and nothing special happened, I know more about Jimin and he doesn't seem to be that bad, but that doesn't mean we're friends or that I like him, alright?!

Whatever, today, it's Friday and in 2 days it's Anja's birthday! I must go buy her a gift after school! But I still have 8 hours to pass.

When I finally arrived at the gate, I see Jimin waving at me, and coming closer.

When I finally arrived at the gate, I see Jimin waving at me, and coming closer

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Jimin : Hey Yeojin! How are you?

Me : I'm fine and you?

Jimin : Same. Uhhm.. Can I ask you what you are doing after school today?

I was about to answer him when I noticed two tall guys with familiar faces approaching us.

... : Hey, you're Yeojin, right?

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