I'm Testing You

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I wake up, the sun rays are warming the back of my body, I open my eyes to see that I'm still in Jungkook's embrace. I fall into his deep gaze and see the cute wrinkles growing at the corners of his eyes.

 I fall into his deep gaze and see the cute wrinkles growing at the corners of his eyes

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Jungkook : Had a good night? *smile*

Me : Yes *smile* what about you?

Jungkook : I slept like a baby. *smile* Your little smile last night made me sleep well.

Me : My smile?

Jungkook : Yes, when you closed your eyes, I was still looking at my little candy and I saw this cute expression on your face *smile* what were you thinking about? *smile*

Me : Nothing...I don't remember..

Jungkook : Liar *smile* tell me the truth or I will torture you *smile*

Me : Torture? You can't hurt your baby candy! *makes a pouty face*

Jungkook : Stop that, it's not good for my heart! *smile*

I squeeze him in my arms.

Jungkook : But I won't let you off the hook! What was in your mind before sleeping *smile*

I rest my forehead on his chest to hide my face from him.

Me : *I say in a low voice* You....

Jungkook : What? I didn't hear it? *smile*

Me : I know you did!

Jungkook : No.

Me : *Still in a low voice* I was thinking about you...

Jungkook : I still can't hear you, repeat once again..

He puts his face closer to mine, which I'm still trying to hide!

Me : I was thinking about you!

He takes my head in his two hands and looks at me in the eyes. My face has the redness it always has when I'm embarrassed, but he knows it, and he likes it.

Jungkook : You're so adorable *smile*

He leaves a kiss on the tip of my nose.

Jungkook : I was thinking about you before sleeping too, after sleeping and I dreamed of you. You're always in my head.

Me : You are too. But can you stop always making me embarrassed!

Jungkook : No, I like doing it. *smile*


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