Baby, Watch Your Mouth

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Jungkook : *whispers* Everyone is sleeping *smile*
You know what that means.

Jungkook : *whispers* Everyone is sleeping *smile*You know what that means

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Me : No *smile*

He pressed his lips on mine, I missed this sweet feeling.

Jungkook : *whispers* I love you *smile*

Yoongi : Get a room.

Oh my- He's always sleeping and of course, it's now, at the wrong moment that he's not!

Jungkook hit the sleepy boy with his feet.
I look at him and he's looking through the window, he seems to have a slight pink tint on his face,
his cheeks are a bit more red.
Is he blushing?
I never have seen him blushing, or maybe just once but it's adorable.
I smile like an idiot while my eyes are still focused on the cute boy acting shy
after what happened.
Maybe his feelings for me are real, unfortunately I always have had difficulties trusting people...

Jungkook : Don't say anything about what you just saw!

Yoongi : Apologize for what you just did, first and we'll see after.

Jungkook : Sorry.

Yoongi : Sorry..?

Jungkook : Sorry, Yoongi, the most swagiest, awesome, amazing and beautiful man living on earth,
the one I love and admire.

Yoongi : Thank you but now I have something to use against you. *smirk*

Me : *mumbles* Evil...

Yoongi : Excuse me?

Me : What?

Yoongi : You said something?

Me : Who? Me? No...

Yoongi : We'll see that when Jimin will wake up.

Me : Alright, sorry.

Yoongi : S-

Me : Sorry, Yoongi, the most swaggy boy on earth that I admire too.

Yoongi : Mmmm... What a beautiful ringtone for me to wake up to... *smirk*

Someone yawned.

It's Jimin, he rests his body against mine and wraps his arm around my hips with his head resting on my shoulder.
Like yesterday when it was just the both of us.
His blond fluffy hair is slightly tickling the surface of my pale skin.

Yoongi : Hm *smirk*

He ironically laughs at the sight of me and Jimin.
I know he's trying to provoke Jungkook and I'm sure it worked.

Jungkook : If you wake him up, I'll give you some money.

Yoongi : Are you trying to buy me off?

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