2. Trashcan Princess

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      { Jungkook's P. O. V }


A loud yell echoed in the classroom, making the class fall into a grave silence.

The sight of a furious Eun Bi, digging her eyes into my soul made no impact on me as I lazily leaned back in my chair, intertwining my hands behind my head.

One by one, she started taking out the wrappers, papers and other garbage stuffed in her bag and crumpled them together, making a big garbage ball. But before she could shoot it at me, the teacher entered the classroom.

Everyone turned their heads from Eun Bi to the teacher who was examining the situation.

A smirk made it's way across my face.

Got you again, Lee Eun Bi.

"Just what in heavens is  going on in here!?" asked the teacher, a loud bang erupting from where she forcefully placed her books.

"Miss, Jungkook stuffed my bag with garbage." Complained Eun Bi, turning around from her seat before pointing her finger at me.

"Me?" I asked, pointing my finger at my chest, "Miss, I just came back from the cafeteria and here she is attacking me with that big garbage ball."

Eun Bi gasped along with the teacher, "No, Miss! H-He's lying!"

"Enough!" yelling at Eun Bi, the teacher pointed towards the classroom door, "Out now!"

"But, Mis-"

"OUT!" the teacher yelled again, making Eun Bi flinch.

With her eyes filled with tears, she walked out of the classroom. A proud smirk crossed my face, as the teacher started the lesson. 

Killed two birds with one stone.

        { Eun Bi's P.O.V }

Standing outside the class, silent sobs escaped my mouth as I wiped my tears. It's been 3 days since he's been on his high at bullying me.

All my friends now ignore me and talk about my reputation...

Well I guess it is equal as this trashcan.

I thought, looking at the trashcan besides me.

Just what on Earth is this trashcan doing here? Hey, trashcan, ain't you bored?

I mentally conversed with the trashcan as I kicked it slightly.

Listen trashcan, a human makes mistake, am I not a human?

What can a stupid match mean to him? More than the price of a person's image, their reputation, their life?

That stupid jerk, he must have a tiny-winy bit of pride to be afraid to lose after only one lost.

With that jerky attitude, I'm sure he's gonna fall from his imaginary platform soon.

Can't wait for that, hehehe-

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