27. Plan A

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{ Eun Bi's P.O.V }

Whispers and gazes followed me as I walked through the corridor of my new school. It was totally different from Korea. We don't have to wear uniform to school and no restrictions on wearing makeup or anything.

This was a totally new environment.

And unfortunately, my rusty English skills weren't helping me enough to understand what they all were saying while looking at me. With my head facing down, I quickly made my way through the hallway and towards my locker.

Pasting my timetable on the locker's door, I put the extra books and notebooks inside the locker before examining the timetable.

"First class..." I mumbled, running my finger across the paper before heaving a sigh, "Maths."

Taking out the small mirror from my pocket, I checked myself once again before putting it back and shutting the locker.


Turning around, I scrunched my face in confusion at the girl who was standing there. She had big, round and light brown eyes, her ash-colored hair wavy, her outfit a skirt beneath a cute 'Frozen' shirt. And mild makeup covering her face.

"Um... Hello?" I asked, unsure if she was talking to me.

"I'm sorry for bothering you but I'm glad you're back, Iun Beul."

Smiling, I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing at her wrong pronunciation of Unnie's name, "Thank you..."

"You're welcome. But do you remember me?" she asked, pointing at her chest.

Smiling nervously, I placed my fingers under my chin.

How can I possible remember her when I've never met her?

"I don't think you do," she said, smiling awkwardly, "I'm Ashley. Ashley Brook. We were classmates in the first semester for a few days till you changed seats with Teahiung."

I snorted, not able to control my laugh. If it wasn't our first meet, I would've seriously laughed out loud in front of her. Clearing my throat, I held out my hand towards her, "Nice to meet you again, Ashley."

She looked at my hand before looking at my face, making me extremely uncomfortable. But before I pulled my hand back, she quickly shook my hand with both her hands, "It's so nice to meet you again too! And to finally talk to you!"

I smiled at her, waves of awkwardness erupting inside me as she kept shaking our hands. Finally noticing, she let my hand go, "Sorry..."

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