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{ Two Years Later }

Running through the corridors, she slid past the corner before making her way to the specific door and opening it with a jerk.

Huffing for air as she tried to catch her breath, she stood at the door while looking at the girl who was sitting on the hospital bed, her own eyes welling up with tears.

The girl who was sitting on the bed and gazing at the bright blue sky outside averted her gaze to the huffing person as a wide smile formed on her lips.

"Unnie!" Eun Bi exclaimed before being engulfed in a tight hug by Eun Byul.

"E-Eun Bi," Eun Byul said, holding onto Eun Bi so tightly as if her own life depended on it. A streak of tears had already started making its way through her right cheek.

Eun Bi who had been doing nothing but smiling up till now at her Unnie's arrival, had gotten her smile faded as she saw her Unnie crying.

Her Unnie was crying because of her. Because she had been in coma for 2 whole years.

In the world but not present, she had just lost two precious years of her youth by silently lying on a bed... unconscious.

As the facts started hitting her like a rain of rocks, her grasp around her Unnie tightened as a lump formed at the back of her throat.

She couldn't hold back anymore as she started crying loudly. Crying so loudly for so long.


It had been almost an hour and half since Eun Byul arrived but the chatter between her and Eun Bi remained as lively as ever with Eun Byul being the one doing most of the talk. The only change in the room was now that they both were sitting on the hospital bed while on the couch in the corner of the room was the frame of a person fast asleep.

The person whom they call their 'Mom'.

She had came in a few minutes after Eun Byul came but her tears were never ending. After crying for almost an hour, she fell asleep. Upon asking her about her mom's weird quick sleep, Eun Byul informed Eun Bi that their mom had actually been paying Eun Bi visit everyday after work for the past two years. And not only her mom, Eun Byul herself, Jungkook and Taehyung have also been coming each and every day without absence.

Hearing upon that, Eun Bi's eyes welled up with tears, her heart in pain but joyous at the same time. But before she would start her 'I'm so thankful to you all' speech that might go on for hours, she asked Eun Byul where Jungkook and Taehyung were.

"They have a fansign today," came Eun Byul's reply.

Tilting her head in confusion, Eun Bi asked her Unnie to elaborate what she had just said upon which Eun Byul started, "Jungkook and Taehyung along with five other guys enrolled into an idol agency about a year and some time ago. Though it was surprising, the director postponed some other idols' debutes and decided to debute them first as a boy group named 'BTS'. Their first song was released a few months ago and though it wasn't on big scale, the response was good."

Eun Bi was astonished yet very glad to hear that. She asked Eun Byul to show her their first song. But before that, Eun Byul wanted to show her the live of their fanmeet that was ongoing at the current time.

To much of their surprise, they saw that the fanmeet was cancelled and even that was an hour ago. Confused, Eun Byul tried to reach Taehyung and Jungkook but none of them seemed to be picking up her calls.

"Where are those troublesome guys now?" Eun Byul said in an annoyed tone, gritting her teeth.

Eun Bi who was sitting beside her chuckled. Even though the pain of being in coma for two years kept aching her heart as bitter truth, she was glad, very glad, to see her Unnie acting like herself again.

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