24. Uncle

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{ Eun Bi's P.O.V }

Lost like a bottle in an ocean, I was walking round and round after coming out of the exit gate. This place was extremely unearthly to me. The people around were all talking in English and everything felt so weird and strange.



Suddenly, my ears picked up Unnie's name, which I'll be using for the time being. Looking in the direction of the voice, there stood a man in his late 20's, waving at me like a penguin.

"UNCLE!" shouting as I waved back at him, a wave of relief took over me as I made my way through the crowd.

Soon reaching the railing where people were waiting for their loved ones to come in sight, I was engulfed by two strong arms wrapping around me.

"It feels like years since I last saw you. You've grown!" Uncle said, backing away as he patted my head.

Woah, he's more childish than a 27 years old man can be.

I smiled, bowing politely, "It's nice to see you again, Uncle."

"Haha, looks like your mother taught you some good manners," he said, furrowing his brows as he nudged me playfully, "Let's go! You must be tired," he said as he took my suitcase and started walking towards the outside gate with me following him.

Suddenly, he turned around, making me hit my foot in the suitcase, "Ouch!" I shrieked in pain, jumping while my injured foot in hands.

"Sorry," he apologized cheekily, "I forgot to tell you that there is someone special at home that I want you to meet," rubbing the back of his head, he looked away, a pink blush appearing on his cheeks.

I narrowed my eyes playfully, "Ooh~ I can't wait to meet this special person."

"She is special indeed!" he said, punching me slightly as his face was now a ripped tomato.

"Then let's go!" I said, feeling slightly gross by him being extremely shy.

Was he like this when I last saw him?

Wait, when did I last saw him?

"Hey! Eun Byul! You coming or what?" asked uncle who had now walked a few steps ahead of me.


{ Taehyung's P.O.V }

"Coming!" I shouted, plain annoyed by the continuous ringing of the door bell.

It had been just a few moments since mom left, leaving all the chores to me.

Loosening my uniform tie as I mentally prepared to give at least a bunch of swear words to the person, I swung opened the door.

"Take him," I heard a voice before a dead body was thrown onto me.

"Ahhh!!" screaming like a girl who just saw a cockroach, I pushed the body off of me and onto the floor only to realize that the body was alive when I heard a few groans from it.

"What are you doing, dude? That's Jungkook," glancing at Jimin who was standing at the door, my eyes widened as I gasped in horror.

"My baby bro!" I yelled as I sat down and put his head in my lap, "Stay with me, bro. Stay with me!"

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