49. First Ending

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{ Taehyung's P.O.V }

"This is it! An amusement park date on a weekend. Doesn't it feels- Why are you standing there?" turning my attention from the hussling crowds of people in the amusement park, I looked back at the entrance gate where Hiyori was standing, not taking a step inside.

"I-I'm not really good with crowds. Let me go back home," she whined.

"You haven't came out once since you came here," I said, walking towards her before grabbing her hand, "Now come with me young lady, to the realm of reality."

"Aww man. I wanna watch anime~~" she whined as I dragged her inside.


"That was so much fun!" Hiyori yelled in excitement, "I wanna ride that now. Let's go!" she exclaimed before hopping towards the merry-go-round.

I chuckled, "So now you're having fun, huh? Willing to accept now that your onee-chan was right?" I asked her with a smirk as I placed my hanfs on my sides.

"Th-That's-" she said, turning to me with a flustered expression on her face, "Fine. O-Onee chan was right," she admitted, a pout on her face as she crossed her arms.

I chuckled before pinching her cheeks, "Such a cute kid. Now off you go to that merry-go-round. I'll go and buy us some ice-creams," I said, ruffling her hair before giving her a push, walking in the opposite direction once she waved at me before hopping off.

I smiled at her back, putting my hands inside my pockets as I waljed towards the ice-cream stand.

"One pineapple and one strawberry. Double scoops, please," I said to the employee before taking out my wallet.

"Kim Taehyung?"

Turning around to the voice, I asked in surprise, "Eun Byul? What's up?! What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm on a date," she said as she grabbed the person beside her. Paying attention to him after listening to her words, I saw it was none other than that famous friend of hers.

"Date?" I asked before chuckling, "Well then, I'm here on a date too, with Hiyori."

"What are you, competing with me or what? You're just having a family picnic, man," she said before stepping up and ordering their ice-creams.

"What do you mean? You guys are out on a family picnic as well," I said to Kai.

He smirked, "You're wrong."

I furrowed my brow in, my nose scrunching a bit in confusion, "What?"

"We are here on a date as," he said as he threw his arm over Eun Byul's shoulder as she came back, "We're here as boyfriend and girlfriend."

At his words, I thanked God I wasn't standing on the edge of a cliff because I probably would've fell from the shock.

Did my ears finally gave up on me after listening to songs on full volume?

"Eun Byul, your friend here is quite funny," I said, pointing at him as I laughed.

"It's true."

Stopping my laughter, I bit my lip as I looked down.

So he was the one who confessed to her?

"Sir, your order is here."

Turning around, I garbbed thd ice-creams from the employee before paying him money.

"Wow, you got pineapple? Let me have a taste," Eun Byul said as she stepped towards me.

Looking up at her with eyes filled with disappointment and rage, I handed her the ice-cream before running away.

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