16. Squad

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{ Author's P.O.V }

"And when they brought him back to life and he started attacking them. That was my favorite scene!" said Eun Byul, coming to an abrupt stop before explaining more scenes of the movie with hand gestures.

"Mine was..." Eun Bi trailed off, thinking about any scene which Eun Byul left for her to choose as a favorite, but Eun Byul had already called dibs on every decent scene as her favorite one.

"Eun Bi. Did youy forgot the movie we watched yesterday? I told you you're becoming an old grandma sooner than expected. I think I have to go get contacts, extra teeth and a cane fo-"

"UNNIE!!" Eun Bi shouted in annoyance and anger.

Eun Byul chuckled before patting the younger's back, "Just kidding. You got a whole life to spe-"

"Lee Eun Byul!" a voice from behind came, cutting off Eun Byul.

{ Eun Bi's P.O.V }

Turning around, my eyes widened in shock as I saw Jungkook and Taehyung walking towards us. As they stopped before us, I could tell by the look on Taehyung's face that he was as confused as me.

Jungkook flashed a smile at Unnie, "Good morning," he greeted her, looking brighter than ever.

My, and Taehyung's face scrunched in confusion, as we both looked at Jungkook's face, to confirm if it is Jungkook and not a doppelganger.

The next thing which made my jaw hung to the ground was the least expected thing in the world.

"Morning, Jungkook," Unnie greeted him back, with a smile.

Unnie greeted Jungkook! With a smile?!

If I had to choose between expecting a zombie apocalypse to break out today or Unnie greeting Jungkook back with a smile, I will definitely choose the zombie apocalypse.

Turning my face to Taehyung, who also turned his face to me, we both furrowed our eyebrows as he shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

"On foot today?" Unnie asked Jungkook, not even bothering to look at her confused ex-best friend nor her confused like a baby-zebra sister.

"Thought a little change would be of help," Jungkook answered like he and Unnie had been friends for decades. 

Unnie nodded before clasping her hands together, "You know what?! I watched this super cool movie yesterday, in which the the hero died, and then his enemies bought him back to life..." Unnie started ranting about the movie to Jungkook, as they both walked past a star-strucked me and Taehyung, not even sparing a glance at us as though we're invisible.

Silence, mild cold morning breeze and a Mount Everest of confusion, these terms were perfect to define the situation that I and Taehyung were standing in, looking at the back of the two walking in front of us.

A shiver ran down my spine as I couldn't hold back my curiosity anymore. Jerking my head towards Taehyung who surprisingly did the same, we both shouted the same question at each other.


I put a hand over my mouth in shock as Taehyung's confused face turned into an amused one, "JINX!" he said, eyes popping out like a kid who goes first time to school and found it not be the place of his dreams but nightmares.

I chuckled at his expression, "Yeah," I said before turning around and continuing my walk, "Did Jungkook got a head injury?"

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, a grin on his face as he turned his face to me while walking beside me, "No, he didn't. How about Eun Byul?"

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