40. Bad Day, Worse Day

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{ Eun Bi's P.O.V }

"A whole month?!" I said to uncle who was walking out of his room, followed by Kate.

"The duration is not yet decided. It may take a week at least and a month at most," Kate explained as she handed her suitcase to uncle.

"Then what's with all the luggage? You guys seem like you're going on vacations rather than a business trip," I said as I gave them a suspicious look with my arms crossed.

"Consider it this or that- Oh! We're gonna be late. Bye, Eun Byul," Uncle said as he came towards me before hugging me, "You don't have to worry about a thing," he said as he backed away with his hand still on my shoulder as he held out his other hand while looking around, "You have this WHOLE house to yourself. Eat, sleep, repeat. This is the dream of many teens," he said in a convincing manner as he walked away from me and grabbed the suitcases before walking towards the front door, "Take good care of yourself and the house!"

"Yes..." I trailed off, a sad smile on my face.

"Hey, kid," just then, Kate placed her hand on my shoulder before handing something to me, "This is my credit card, business card and on this are written mine and your uncle's all phone numbers. And here," she said as she handed me another card, "This is silvia's number, she's our maid. You can call her anytime for meals and cleaning, she lives nearby. You get it?"

"U-Uh yeah, thank you." I said as I bowed to her.

"No need to be so formal," saying that and smiling, she gave me a light hug before walking off, "Bye, kid. Have fun." with those words, the door was shut.

The house is now empty.

With a shiver running down my spine, I looked over at the clock which indicated that only two hours remained till my school time. Leaving the thought of sleep, I walked to the kitchen before grabbing a big cola bottle and other snacks before walking to the couch.

Who needs sleep when you can binge watch hunter x hunter?

(Hunter x Hunter is a japanese anime series comprising of over a 100 episodes.)

{ At School }

"Morning, Ashley!" I greeted Ashley as I entered the classroom before taking a seat, "Jay's absent?" I asked as I surveryed my surroundings.

"Jay's out sick. Told me he ate one too many popsicles. Such a softy he is, I can eat a 100 and never stop," Ashley said as she moved to the seat beside me.

"Ashley, that's nothing to brag about, you'll get fat if not sick," I said, taking my anatomy book out of my bag, "Girls of our age have to be really careful about our beauty or we'll become grandmas even before we hit our 30's."

"Yes, yes. Ms. beauty doctor."

I smiled at her and just then, the door opened and the teacher walked in as everyone settled in their seats.

"Good morning, everyone, settle down. I'm taking attend-"

"Sorry for the intrusion."

As a voice cut off the teacher, eveyone turned their heads to it. In my case, 'my jaw dropped to the ground' would be an understatement of the shock I felt as I looked at the boy standing there.

Just to be sure, I rubbed my eyes and pinched my cheeks to confirm that I wasn't dreaming.

"My name is Kim Taehyung. As you all may know since I was so popular, I moved to Korea during the first semester but now..." he trailed off as his gaze moved to me and a smug smirk formed on his face, "I am back. I look forward to having the time of my life here."

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