45. Overflowing Feelings

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{ Taehyung's P.O.V }

Sitting at a tree branch as the sun beautifully set between the mountains, the chilly evening breeze ruffled my hair and clothes as I stared blankly at the sky which emitted the colour of a flaming phoenix.

It had been a few hours since Eun Byul left. I wish she told me about what the reason was so I wouldn't be so restless now.

What if something bad happened to her mom?

Or maybe Eun Bi-

No no, it can't be that serious of a thing or else she would have told me right away.


"Tae onee-chan! Dinner's ready!" I heard Hiyori yell as she stood next to the tree trunk.

"Coming!" I yelled back as I climbed down. "Are mom and dad still in the fields?" I asked her once I was done and started rubbing dust off of my butt.

"I saw them hurrying over just now so I prepared the table," she answered as we both walked inside the house.

"Hurrying over?" I mumbled to myself as I sat down on the floor.

Guess I'll just watch television to past the time.

A few moments passed as I turned on the television and was skimming through the channels when I heard the front door open loudly, followed by haste and heavy steps. I sat up as I heard mom yelling my name.

Walking towards the room door, mom and dad suddenly appeared in front of me and the next moment, mom engulfed me in a hug.

"J-Jungkook got in an accident," she said as she started crying.

At her words, the shine in my eyes faded as they emitted the image of a black hole, my arms fell to my sides as I could no longer hear any further words said to me by dad or mum.

Jungkook... had an accident?

"I-Is he okay?" these were the only words that left my mouth as I looked over at dad.

"We don't know yet. The surgery's still on going. Jimin told me that his ribs and right arm was broken. He received no head injury so he's out of danger but the doctors haven't still assured us one hundred percent," Dad said as he took out his cell phone. "I and mum are heading to Korea right now. I'm gonna book the earliest flight to America for us two."

"Wh-What about me?" I asked as mum backed away from me and wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry, Tae, but I don't think you can go with us-"

"But why?!" I yelled.

"Your mom's right, Tae. You can either stay here a few more days or come back to Korea with us-"

"But I wanna go to America! To Kookie-"

"That's enough, Taehyung!" Dad yelled at me, "Do you not understand the situation? We don't know how the surgery will end or the time period we might have to stay in America. We can't have you going with us," he said, his voice getting softer near the end.

I looked down and stayed silent for a few moments before nodding, "I'll stay."

"Good. Ji-hyun, let's go pack," he said to mom before they both walked into their room.

I stood still, my mind blank. Hiyori walked towards me and shook my arm slightly, "Tae onee-chan, don't worry. I'm sure he'll be okay."

As I listened to her words, the blankness in my mind started filling with different emotions. Biting my lip, I ran out.

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