4. Family

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      { Eun Bi's P.O.V }

"Eun Byul... You can let go of me now." Mum said in a pleading voice, trying to get the Unnie off her who's been clinging onto her for more than 5 minutes.

"I missed you~~ so much~~." Unnie said, never leaving her grip around mum's neck.

"I missed you too." Mum said, slightly pinching her cheeks. "But you should go get fresh now. I'll put up dinner so come out in 5 minutes. Don't stay in there playing with bath bubbles for an hour."

"Woah! How'd you know that?" Unnie said, backing off from mum.

I chuckled. "Unnie, let's go. I've got many many many things to tell you and show you."

"Sure! Give me a round around this new house too." She said, looking around.

I smiled as we intertwined our hands before taking her on a tour around the house.

After that, she went to take a bath. Surprisingly, she came out in half an hour rather an a whole hour.

In the meanwhile,  I unpacked her stuff and placed it in our shared room. Even though the house had 2 other rooms, Unnie had pestered me to share my room with her.

While I was taking out her endless volumes of manga, a photograph slipped out of one the book. I held it up as I examined it.

It was a group photo of Unnie's class. There were many white kids, all smiling and posing for the camera. Unnie was in the right of the second row, beside Taehyung. Her arm was over his shoulder and his arm was over her shoulder.

I sighed, remembering my friends at school, who these days are ignoring me, except for So Young.

"Why the sudden sighing?" Unnie said as she walked out of the bathroom, patting a 'We Bare Bears' towel on her head.

"It's nothing." I said as I waved my hand in air. "Wow, Unnie, your shampoo smells so good! Which one do you use?"

Then we talked about here and there and there and here until mum called us for dinner. We ate dinner as mum kept telling Unnie to not talk with her mouth full, but Unnie had too much to tell to be silent.

I smiled as the table was finally not silent. Mum works the whole day so she usually comes home tired. On the other hand, the things happening to me at school lately aren't so lively to tell mum so I avoid talking too much about school, making it difficult for my tired mum to keep the conversation going.

Poor mum.

After dinner, we said good night to mum before going to our room.

"Unnie what about your studies?" I said as we both laid down on the bed.

"Hmm... I think I'll join your school." She said, laying with her hands intertwined behind her head as she stared at the ceiling.

My eyes grew wider in shock and excitement. "My school?!"

"Yup. Taehyung too." She said, taking the covers over her. She yawned. "Sorry, Eun Bi, I'm too tired to talk anymore, good night."

I smiled as I turned off the night lamp
"Good night, Unnie"

   { Jungkook's P. O. V }

"Tae-hyung-ie!!" Mum said as she spread out her arms.

"M-omm-y." Hyung said as he hugged mum.

They pulled away and mum cupped his face with her hands."My son has become so much handsome."

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