19. Going Back

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[ A week later ]

{ Taehyung's P.O.V }

A week of getting ignored by my brother and my ex-best friend felt the longest and most painful week to me. It felt like my presence is a waste whenever me and Jungkook or me and Eun Byul made an eye contact and they always broke it first, with a look of disappointment in their eyes.

The only thing that made living worthy past week was Eun Bi.

She's so much like Eun Byul but still so different. She always listens to what I say and agrees with me and she always has that bright smile on her face.

Looking at her makes me envious of Eun Byul for having such a good sister. It's not that Jungkook is a bad brother but I wish Eun Bi was my sister.

Fortunately, my wish did came true in the last week when Eun Bi proved that siblings don't have to be blood-related. We're always hanging out after school, eating, playing and anything that makes me happy.

And now, I can't wait to go to the amusement park with her today. It'll be fun seeing her scared figure in the haunted house.

{ Eun Bi's P.O V }

"There, perfect!" Chapping my lips together, I looked at myself in the mirror after placing down the lip gloss in my hand. Turning my head around, I saw Unnie walking inside the room. She looked up at me from her cell phone, mouth widening at the sight, "Why are you all dolled up?"

Turning around, I answered her with a wide smile, "I'm going on a date."

Her cell phone slipped from her hands and fell on the floor with a thud. Not giving a sh*t about the poor device, she stared at me with her jaw hanging to the ground, "A-A DATE!!!??"

"Yup," I said, standing up and turning towards her, "My first ever date in my 17 years of life," I said, clapping my hands and looking around dreamily.

"Eww. Gross," said Unnie, making a poker face at me before bending down and clutching her phone from the floor. Plopping down, she asked with her eyes fixated on her cell phone's screen, "Who are you going with?"

"Well..." I trailed off, thinking whether I should tell her or not.

"Well who?" she asked again, glancing up at me from her phone screen.

Gulping down the lump in my throat that formed unintentionally, I averted my gaze away from her, "It's T-" I was cut off by mom who appeared at our room door. I looked at her, putting on a relieved smile, "Mom. Do you want something?"

Mom, instead of her usual cheerful self, looked like a strict mother. She averted her gaze from me to Unnie, "Eun Byul. Come with me."

Unnie, dumping her phone somewhere on the bed, quickly stood up like a soldier, "Yes, ma'am," she said, placing her hand against her forehead.

As they both walked out of the room, I heaved a sigh of relief, "Finally. No more interruptio-"

"Eun Bi, you come too," mom said, startling me as she suddenly appeared at the door.

Placing a heart on my chest, I huffed out a breath, "Mom! You startled me." I said, looking at her with a pout, to which she surprisingly didn't answered or reacted in any way. I cleared my throat, "Anyways, I can't come with you mum, I've somewh-"

"No buts, Eun Bi. This is more important and you're coming," she said in a stern tone.

"But mom~~" I whined, receiving some dangerous glares from her. Giving up, I grabbed my cell phone from the bedside table, "Fine. But let me send a text first," I said, running my fingers on the screen and mumbling some angry words as mom left.

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