30. The Suicide Act

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{ Author's P.O.V }

"Kookie! Tae! We're home!" Mrs Jeon yelled as she stepped inside her house with her husband following her from behind.

"Why's it so quite? Usually they're both fighting on the couch for controller at this time," glancing at his wrist watch, Mr Jeon said as he closed the door after stepping inside the house.

Suddenly, a loud burst from Jungkook's room averted their attentions and gazes to his room door. With another burst, the door opened and Taehyung stumbled out of Jungkook's room.

"Mom! Dad! Kookie, he- HE'S BLEEDING!!" with a loud yelp, he stumbled back inside the room with a worried and shocked Mr and Mrs Jeon following behind him.

There on the floor laid Jungkook, blood oozing out of his left wrist as his face seemed lifeless.



Yelling, the worried man and crying women moved towards their son on the floor. Mrs Jeon took his head in her lap as Mr Jeon started examining his wrist.

"M-Mom... Dad," mumbled a lifeless Jungkook as he opened his eyes slowly.

"Honey, what happened?!" tears sprawling over her face and ruining her make up, Mrs Jeon caressed her son's head.

"I... I can't live here. P-Please let me go to-" Jungkook couldn't finish his sentence as he started coughing badly.

"Promise, honey. I promise you that I'll send you there," bowling her eyes out, Mrs Jeon hugged Jungkook as all she wanted in the moment was the health of her son. And for that, she didn't realized the words she spoke.

In all the situation, the thing that Mr and Mrs Jeon failed to notice was a Taehyung on his  knees from laughing so badly behind their backs.

"Wait... This is... Ketchup?" Mr Jeon said, examining the red substance on Jungkook's wrist.

Just then, Taehyung stood up and exclaimed, "Bingo!"

Turning their worried and confused gazes to their older son, Mr and Mrs Jeon's eyes widen in shock as Jungkook flashed a bunny smile and stood up before highfiving Taehyung.

For Taehyung and Jungkook it was a joyeous time, but also the moment where they had to deal with their shocked, worried and angry parents.

And this was the moment they realized that their parents can become much more than human beings when angry.

Plan F: Suicide Act

Status: Success!!

{ Eun Bi's P.O.V }


Groaning, I threw the pencil on the table before ruffling my hair.

One hour. One math problem. And I still can't get it.

"Let's do it one more time," Hoseok said, patting my back as he held up my pencil for me to take.

It had been 2 hours of our group study at Hoseok's room in the school dorm. The first hour went smooth with the theory subjects but as the subject of math opened, my brain doors automatically closed.

"Argh, what time is it?" sitting up, I grabbed my coffee cup before sipping on it and instantly regretting it, "Eww, it's so cold."

"20 minutes left before you've to head home. Oh sorry, do you want me to warm it up for you?" taking the cup from my hand, Hoseok worriedly said as he stood up.

"No no, it's fine," waving my hands, I heaved a deep sigh, "I don't want to go home. Uncle's home so late and it's so boring being alone."

"I'm sorry."

I chuckled, looking at the innocent man in front of me, "What are you sorry for, Hobi? Right now, you, Unnie and mom are the only person that makes me happy in the whole wide world. So don't make that sad face or I'll be sad too," smiling, I grabbed my pencil and poked his cheek slightly, "Hobi? Smile?"

Looking up, he gave the brightest smile one ever could.

"Okay, let's finish this question quickly," I said, smiling back at him before focusing on the math problem infront of me.

After a few mimutes of silence with me trying hard to run those rusty systems of my brain, I clapped my hands in victory.

In utter happiness, I shoved my notebook over Hoseok's, "This is the solution!"

{ Jungkook's P.O.V }

"This is not the solution," mum said lowly, after two hours of mine and hyung's fake reasonings.

"It's okay, dear. I think he's now old and bold enough to take his own decisions," caressing mum's back, dad said in a reassuring tone.

"Thanks, dad!" I beamed in relief and excitement.

"So it's finally settled!" clapping his hands, hyung stuffed his hands inside his pocket and pulled some thing out before smacking it on the bed that we were all sitting on, "Great thing that I already bought the tickets."

"WHAT?! TAE, ARE YOU IN YOUR RIGHT MI- Wait a second, why are there two tickets? Are you going with him?" face scrunched in confusion, mum said as dad took the ticket in his hands and started examining them.

"What? Me? Of course not! Tch, why would I go? I love it here," Hyung said as he dismissed mum's question, waving his hand in air.

"Then who is the other ticker for, son?" dad asked, handing the tickets to mum.

Me and hyung shared an evil look with wide smirk spread on our faces.

"A friend named Park Jimin."

{ To Be Continued... }


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Sorry for the short length of the chapter :(

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