9. Back To School

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{ Author's P.O.V }

A week had passed since the incident at school happened. The lives of Eun Bi, Eun Byul, Taehyung and Jungkook were starting to finally calm down, though the occurrences of last week still kept lingering in their minds.


Jungkook was still skipping school, he had made tremendous progress in his games and was whining when his mum told him to start going to school tomorrow.


Taehyung had started to stay in the character of Sherlock Holmes. He kept thinking upon theories about last week's incident. Unlike last week, Taehyung was no more angry at Eun Byul after seeing Eun Bi's bruise. He also noticed that Eun Bi had been ignoring him at high since last week. An example was how she would run away from him whenever he called her. Under these circumstances, he had came to the conclusion that his brother must also have been at fault and Eun Byul was already going through her punishment as suspension. He was actually really excited because starting tomorrow, Eun Byul's suspension was over.


Eun Byul had almost forgotten about the incident. She was busy in playing games and talking non-stop once again. She had been talking without breathing the whole day because she was so excited to go to school with Eun Bi. She was preparing her bagpack, stationary and books like a little kid starting elementary school.


The one who was the most effected by the incident was Eun Bi. A kind of trauma had grown inside her due to the incident. But she was given much courage by Eun Byul and with her now accompanying her to school, her worries faded away to a great extent. Even though she was afraid of Jungkook, she was sure she could smack a word of sense in him with her Unnie there. She was actually the person who was most happy with her Unnie's comeback to school. She had also prepared a list of pranks and lies which she could use against Jungkook. Even though a coward, she was Eun Byul's sister, the sister of the person who was never afraid to pick a fight against men if they bothered her sister. All in all, her love, affection and respect for her Unnie had sky rocketed after the incident. Meanwhile, Eun Byul kept telling her ways to kill Jungkook.

Finally, after a peaceful night, the morning arrived and the four were now running here and there in hustle and bustle inside their houses, trying to get ready as soon as they can but someone could not find their sock while someone's history book was missing.

After what seemed like an endless struggle, the four set off to school after a fancy and heavy breakfast.

{ Eun Byul's P.O.V }

I stood outside the classroom, tapping my feet on the ground as I waited for the teacher to call me in. Loud voices and footsteps from the corridor told me that someone was hurrying to their class.

The footsteps grew louder and clearer as they got closer. Finally, when two boys turned through the corridor and ran towards me, I heaved a sigh.

What a way to start a day.

Taehyung and Jungkook stopped before me, huffing heavily.

"Look who's late. I guess the saying is true, 'Those who are late are losers.'"

"Since when was there a saying like that?" Taehyung asked as he straightened up before giving me a 'lie and die' look.

"I just made it up," I said with an innocent look, "Fool."

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