Chapter Eleven: Revelation

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WARNING: dramatic ass chapter ahead. Y'all are gonna feel like ur reading a shoujo manga lmfao

Also p short. Shorter than my usual but. Ended in a good place.

Chapter Eleven: Revelation

I scrubbed at my hair with my hands as Yun-ji slurped on her frappe. Distraught. I'd explained my dilemma to her, everything that had happened yesterday, all about Oppa, how he was so awkward with me. "Yeah, you definitely did something."

"I knew I wasn't overreacting!" I tugged at my flu mask, deflated, "But what? He would tell meeee...."

"Well, maybe it was something super embarrassing, so he's not telling you to save you from it. Like, if you ran naked through your house or something." I glared at her.

"Not helping!" I let my head hit the cafe tabletop. "What do I do..?"

"Well... is it serious?" She asked me, all jokes having vanished from her tone and expression. "Are you serious about him?"

"I just..." I fumbled for words, straw scratching at the bottom of my cup, "I want to hug him. So bad. All the time." I groaned out my melancholy, "And touch him. His hair, his face. I want to hold his hand. I want to kiss him. On the mouth." I looked at my friend in desperation. "I don't know where all these feelings came from! But it's like now they're loose I don't know how to contain them..."

"I still say you should just... kiss him, and see what he does." I glared at Yun-ji so strongly that she rolled her eyes. "You never know! He might reciprocate."

"I can't do that!" I wailed, then lowered my voice because people were looking, "He was acting so weird with me yesterday! I swear I must have done something really strange while delirious... there's no way I could just kiss him! I'd ruin our friendship forever..."

"Who knows? Maybe you actually did kiss him while delirious-"

"Don't even say that!" I squeaked miserably, face in my hands. "Honestly if I did that just... Jesus, take me now."

"You know what? I know just what you need." I looked up, droopy, to see my friend grinning, devilishly. "You should come on the group date."

"Eh?" I squinted at her, "What on Earth brought you to that conclusion?"

"It'll be fun! And give you a little more experience in the dating world." She smiled, then abruptly became softer, stern. "Think of it less as a date, and more as hanging out with me in my effort to cheer up my very best friend in the whole world."

I sighed. "Okay."

"Yay!" I took a sip of my iced tea, immediately regretting my decision. "Looks like we have more shopping to do!"

"I thought you got your outfit?" I said, feeling a suspicious dread in my stomach.

"For you, dummy!" She said, leaning across the table to poke me in the shoulder. "You can't just wear any old thing. You have to look hot for a date."

"I thought you said not to think of it like a date?" I contradicted dryly, and she scowled at me, standing up and grabbed her shopping bags.

"Just do as I say, smartass."

- - -

I was surprised to find that Oppa was home when I kicked open the door. I slipped out of my shoes, running to my room to dump the shopping bags on my bed, and quickly showering. I threw on my nightgown- which was really an oversized blue tshirt- and went back downstairs. "Oppa?"

Oppa : Kim SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now