Chapter Sixteen: Casual

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I'm lowkey like.... really tempted to start a spin off of this about Jungkook. I love writing cute dongsaeng kookie ㅠㅠ expect to see plenty of him lmaoo

(I say this knowing full well that I have a whole other fic for JK over here w only three chapters that I haven't updated since before I started this)

(Rip Magic Shop I shall return to you someday)

(My attention is too focused on Jin rn)

(Stan Kim Seokjin)

Chapter Sixteen: Casual

I was incredibly reluctant to head into school. Yeon-il and Hyunseo had proposed a study group, so that we could help each other out with our individual weak subjects, at the school library. I'd agreed without thinking.

Of course, now I was here, and class was not in session, I realised why I'd felt a premonition of a negative experience today.

As I entered the library there was a tail of whispers and probing looks. I shut the heavy double doors on them.

I'd forgotten that the entire school thought that Jungkook and I were dating now. How annoying...

I really hated being the subject of rumours. People gossiping, trying to get close to you just out of nosiness... I quickly walked to the quietest, most tucked away table in the library, behind some shelves in the corner of an aisle. I already wanted to go home.

I shivered a little, a surge of excitement shooting through my stomach, as I thought about who would be waiting there.

I hadn't told anyone yet, not even Yun-ji. It had been a couple days, and it was still new, exciting. I wasn't really familiar with the situation, so wasn't sure how I was supposed to fill people in. For now, anyway, I wanted to keep this one thing to myself. Involving other people often made things problematic.

I smiled to myself as I replied to Seokjin's text message, telling him to stop bothering me so I could study. He had no classes, either, because his exams were also fast approaching. It was obvious that he was bored. He told me to hurry home.

He'd seemed pretty put out when I'd said I was leaving for the day, in truth. He'd said he would help me study instead, but I'd said no. For one, he was almost as bad with maths as I was- and Hyunseo was amazing. That, and he had exams he should be studying for too. There was no way he'd focus with me bothering him.

He replied very quickly. I responded, informing him that I was going to turn my phone off, and quickly shot a message to Yeon-il and Hyunseo (we had a group chat) to inform them where in the library I was. Then, fulfilling my own promise, I switched off my phone, throwing myself into my revision.

My two friends joined me at the square table after a short period. We pooled our snacks in the centre of the table and got to work.

I felt like I'd made some good progress when we finally called it. It was late evening, and I was getting quite hungry. Tiredly, I rubbed my eyes- they felt strained from staring at the small font of my textbook for so long. Hyunseo had escaped a short while ago- he had to be home to welcome his relatives that were visiting from Ilsan.

"Hey, Ju-eun..." I looked up from my backpack. Yeon-il stared back at me. "Are you free Saturday?"

I thought about it, yanking my bag over my shoulders. "Yeah, probably. Why, you want to do something?"

She gestured to leave as she pulled on her backpack. "Dongseo U, the university I'm going to, is having an open day. I wanted to go have another look around, but my parents are busy and Unnie won't take me." She had an annoyed look on her face. "They won't mind me taking the train if I go with a friend."

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