Chapter Twenty: Permission

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Did y'all know that BigHit had to legit confirm that there was a king size condom in the back of a shot with Jin in it

I just found out about this


Jin wilding

Chapter Twenty: Permission

It was hard to not look like I'd been caught in the act of doing something wrong, when I let myself into the house. Oppa followed me in, deciding it'd probably be weirder if he just dropped me off.

I peered around expectantly, spying the briefcase by the door, the black leather shoes. A pair of cream heels were next to them, and a purse. Both of them were home.

Jin tapped my back, lightly. "Breathe."

"Can't. Want to suffocate." I whispered back, but did as I was told. I was always uncomfortable around my parents, had been for years, but in light of the situation that had increased tenfold.

He smirked slightly, but was visibly nervous too.

"Mom? Dad?" I called into the still house, finally removing my shoes and entering properly.

"In here." My mother was a slight woman, a little shorter than me, with a slender figure and slender features to match. She was in a pencil skirt with a blouse and woollen cardigan, sipping on some kind of beverage from a coffee shop, eyes glued to her laptop. I assumed Dad was in the Study.

"Um... hi Mom." She didn't look up. "You didn't tell me you were coming."

"Your Father and I are busy people, Ju-eun. We won't always be able to let you know, you know this already." Her eyes flickered up from whatever she was looking at. "Seokjin-ssi. I hope my daughter hasn't been troubling you."

He bowed his head, lightly. "No Ma'am. She's been just fine."

The atmosphere was incredibly awkward. Mom didn't seem to sense it. I kept waiting for her to question where we'd just come back from, why Oppa was here on his day off (since she must have the rota, right?), why I looked so fidgety.

She didn't. She just sipped her coffee, eyes on her work. "Ju-eun, how's school?"

By that, she meant: how are your grades?

"Um, I'm still placing 24th/372 in the year overall. Nothing has dropped." I said, quietly, and she nodded.

"Good. Have you heard anything from Sungkyun University? My friend's daughter already had her confirmation letter." I swallowed. Now would be the time to tell her, but the words stuck in my throat.

"No, not yet. I don't think I'll hear anything until I've got all my grades back for my exams." Again, the words I needed to say bubbled to my lips, but wouldn't come out.

"I see." She typed something in her laptop. "Well, that will be all. You can go now. Don't disturb your Father, he has a big file he's working on."

"Okay." I bowed my head. "I'll go study, then."

Jin bowed too. "Nice to see you, Ms. Oh."

She just nodded, and we both made a hasty escape from the kitchen.

By the door again, Jin slipped back into his shoes, running a hand theough his hair as he dug out his carkeys. "Ya, I swear, that shaved at least five years off of my life."

I giggled quietly at the hushed words. "At least you get to leave now..."

He patted my head. "Sorry, Ju-eunnie. I'd stick around, but I have a supplementary class. I'll text you."

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