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Your POV

I sit down once I get my order and take a bite of the burger. Everyone stares at me.
"What?" I look at the boys.
"Nothing." Dk said. I shrugged and continued to eat my food.
"Are any of you hungry? I'll pay. My treat." I said.
"I could use a hamburger." Mikey said.
"Well don't just sit there, let's go." I take one last bite of my burger and get up. Mikey gets up with me and we go to potentially wait in this long line for 10 minutes. It was really awkward so I tried to talk to him.
"Where are you from?" I ask him.
"New Jersey, so is Jake."
"Oh that's cool! Are you guys brothers?" I ask. He laughs and his nose wrinkles up. It's so cute must I say.
"Nah, we're best friends." He said. I nod.
"You live here with Dk?" He asks.
"No, I'm a freshmen in collage and just decided to spent the summer here until the next semester rolls around.
"Collage, huh? How do you find that entertaining?" His eyebrows come closer together and his head tilts.
"I didn't say it was entertaining but it's so I can get a good job so I don't end up working at a place like this, no offense to the workers." I laugh at my last remark and he does as well.
"I am a vlogger." He said.
"A vlogger? On what, YouTube?"
"Yea! I have over 1 million subscribers and Jake has around 250k." He says proudly.
"Seems like you're really devoted to it." I told him.
"Y/n, the fan base and just doing dumb shit for fun AND get paid, that's a life. You should try it. Jake and I are going to vlog later so you can be in it and see what we do if you like." His eyes glisten with excitement as he asks me.
"Sure, why not?" I smile.
"Awesome! It's so much fun, y/n. You'll love it." Mikey half smiles back and my stomach flutters. He just stares into my eyes and i stared into his.
"Next!" The person behind the counter says and we exchange looks and he steps forward to place an order.

"Took long enough." Jake said.
"Did you see how long the line was?" Mikey chuckles and we both sit down. I look to see that my burger was gone.
"Who. Ate. My. Burger?" I said sternly.
"We all got hungry." Justin said. I looked at him, then Dk, then Jake...who in return, gives me a smirk that sends chills down my spin. That was hot.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. Dk laughs.
"Chill, y/n. We're going to Rodeo so you can get more food later." Dk said. I nod and we all head towards the car.

"I'm going to start vlogging." Mikey said and he asked if we all could stand behind him for the intro. I felt really nervous to vlog with him until I felt a hand on my lower back.
"Don't be nervous, love." Jake whispered into my ear. I look at him and my face turns pink. He smirks and acts like nothing happened.
"What's up you guy, my name is Mikey Manfs and today we are at rodeo. I am here with Jake.." He starts.
"Ey-yo! What's up you guys!" Jake smiles at the camera.
"Hey guys! Long time no see!"
"Yuhnameisayin?" Dk throws up His signature peace signs and Mikey laughs.
"And today, we also have Dk's sister y/n!" Mikey looks at me and I smile.
"Hey guys!" I wave at the camera and laugh.
"Today we are having a shopping spree where y/n buys us everything!" Mikey quickly said.
"Hey, no! That's not true." I laugh and so does everyone else.
"Nah, were going to do some reckless shit!" Jake said.
"Facts." Dk said.
"Okay, we'll catch up with you guys in a bit." Mikey said and then cut the camera off. "Y/n! You're a natural." Mikey smiles.
"You really think so?" I look down.
"My baby sis did really good! You should be in more videos to get a hang of it." Dk said.
"I agree." Justin said.
"Sure why not?" I give in. Everyone smiles and then we proceed to the Gucci store.

"There's nothing I really want here." Mikey pouts at the camera.
"Sucks for you, I found myself a shirt." I cockily said to him and show the camera.

" I cockily said to him and show the camera

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"The basic Gucci tee, a classic." He laughs. I slap his chest.
"I've never owned Gucci and everything is fucking $1k."
"I say you should buy it." Jake comes from nowhere.
"Thank you." I stand next to him.
"Get it if you want." Mikey said.
"Fine I will." I laugh and he does as well. Him and Jake go off and do some dumb shit on the vlog before we get kicked out and I head for the register to pay.
"Hey y/n." Justin wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"Heyo! I'm getting Gucci!" I pretend to squeal like a little girl and swipe my debit card. He laughs along with me.
"How do you like the boys?" He asks me.
"They're super chill and funny!" I told him and he smiles at me.
"Good, I'm glad you like them." He said and walked away. The guy behind the counter hands me my bag and I just couldn't stop thinking about how amazing this summer will be hanging out with Mikey and Jake.

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