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Your POV

I wake up to only Jake in the house. I check my phone and see a text from Mikey :

Went out filming, you and Jake fell asleep so we didn't want to bother you, be back around 11pm

I stretch, making sure not to hurt myself even more and head to the shower.
I was scrubbing my body until I hear, "May I join?"
I open the curtain slightly and see Jake in his boxers.
"Go in Dk's." I said. He shakes his head.
"Nah, I wanna go in this one." He points at the shower. I roll my eyes.
"If you promise me that you won't look at me then you can come in."
"Only if you don't look at me." Jake bickers back. I nod and he starts to take his boxers off. I close the curtain and feel Jake's hands on my hips. I turn to him and look him in the eyes. He looks me in the eyes as well.
"No peaking, Jake. I mean it." I glare at him.
"I respect your privacy. No peeking." My heart flutters. I grab my scrubby and scrub my body as Jake goes under the faucet and washes his hair. I give him a clean scrubby that I haven't used yet and we switch spots, I rinse off and then wash my hair while he scrubs his body. I turn around and look at him. He looks at me.
"What?" He asks. I grab the back of his neck and push his head down lower and I kiss him on the lips. He kisses back and puts a hand on my chin, pushing my head up. We pull away and I smile. "You can't resist me." Jake cockily said. I roll my eyes.
"I can, it's pretty easy." I did, going under the faucet and rinsing the shampoo and conditioner out. We switch and he rinses the soap off. I get out and wrap a towel around me. I get another towel for Jake and once he gets out, I hand it to him and he wraps it around his hips loosely. I throw on the clothes I picked out and Jake throws on his.

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"I'm really proud of myself

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"I'm really proud of myself." Jake said throwing on his jacket in the mirror. I wrap my arms around his back and look in the mirror at him.
"With..?" I question.
"Not looking in the shower." He smiles. I punch his arm.
"You're such a little kid. It's not that hard. I didn't look and I wasn't tempted." I lied. Okay it was tempting but if he respected my privacy, I respect his.
"Liar." He looks at me in the mirror.
"Yeah right."
"Y/n, it's so obvious. Your eyes quickly look away when you lie." Jake turns around, looking at me face to face.
"Creep." I laugh. He shakes his head.
"What can I say, I can't stop staring at you, you're beautiful." He kisses the top of my head and grabs my hand, pulling me into his room.
"And your handsome." I said and he lightly pushes my on to my bed. He slowly gets to the bead and hovers over me. He leans down and passionately kisses me and I kiss back. He groans into the kiss and I smile.
"You're a tease." He says in between kisses.
"And you're annoying." I said. He pulls away and I frown.
"You ruined it for yourself." His thumb grazed my bottom lip and he picks me up over the shoulder.
"Put me down, Jake Nicholas Dufner!" I yell.
"Never, y/n, y/m/n, Miller!" He fires back. He plops me on the couch.
"Where do you think your going?" I ask as he picks up my keys.
"Dinner, with you." I look at the time and it read 3pm.
"Lunch, you mean?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Dinner? Lunch? Same thing. I want to take you out." He pulls my up from the couch and smiles.
"Out? Is Jake Dufner asking me out on a date?" I jump up and down in his grip.
"Maybe..." He starts. I lick my lips.
"Yes I'll go on a date with you." I kiss his cheek and we head out.

Jake's POV

I drive and look over at y/n here and there and see her rapping to eminem. I smile. She's so beautiful. I am head-over-heels in love with her. She reaches over and grabs my hand and hold it. She's smiling ear to ear.
"You're happy." I said.
"Why wouldn't I be, I just love spending time with you." My heart flutters. We get to Olive Garden and she gets out quickly. I get out and we walk in, hand and hand. We get a table far away from other people and I was kinda happy about that so I can vlog. I take my camera out and point it at her.
"Look at little y/n." I say in a baby face. She blushes and pushes the camera slightly.
"Jake stop!" She said. I point the camera at me and act offended.
"How dare you? You hurt the Duffy's. Are you guys okay?" She laughs and takes the camera.
"I'm sorry." She fake cries and kisses the camera. I laugh.
"Anyways, y/n and I are at Olive Garden eating some food. We're just going to hang out and stuff since they boys aren't here." I joke around.
"Hang out my ass." She laughs.
"You caught me. We're on a date. So we're vlogging it too. Who doesn't want to see every bit of our lives?!" I laugh. She laughs too. My heart flutters again. "Anyways we will catch you guys up after our meal." I said and turn off the camera. I grab her hands and kiss them both. She blushes. "This is going to be a good night." I say.

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