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Your POV

Dayton and I arrive at Target and start shopping for new bedroom things. Sadly, Morgan couldn't come because her and Tyler were having a date night.

"Use protection." I said over the phone with her. She laughs.
"Love you, tell Daytona I love her too. See you guys soon tho! Love and miss you." Morgan chirps over the phone.
"We love you and miss you too." I said.
"Love you!" Daytona yells. (If you're wondering why I type Dayton or Daytona is because Daytona's nick name is Dayton...6I'm 80% certain)
"Love you!" Morgan yells back. I laugh and hang up the phone.
"She's loves you too." I laugh.

I've had the same room stuff since high school so getting new things for a new house for the summer is a must. We headed to the home section and there was so many cute things.
"What's your theme?" Dayton asks, pushing the shopping cart down an isle. I shrug my shoulders, not really knowing. We got out of the isle and see that we were somehow in electronics. I walk over and look at the cameras. Dayton walks over and her eyes widen.
"Y/n! You should create a YouTube channel!" She gasps. I felt a smile creep onto my face.

"Y/n, the fan base and just doing dumb shit for fun AND get paid, that's a life. You should try it..." Mikey said, smiling ear-to-ear.

"Why the hell not?" I smile. I grab the box for the g7x mark 2 and buy it. I take it out of the box and we walk over back to the home decor section. I furrowed my eyebrows together trying to figure out out to use it. Dayton laughs at me struggling and shows my how to use it. "Thanks." I mumble, causing her to laugh again.
"Okay now record!" She squeals. I smile and flip the view monitor at me and press record.

"Hey guys! It's y/n here! Welcome to my YouTube channel! I have decided to finally create one after the peer pressure from my friends.." I started. Dayton pops into frame and laughs.
"Anyways, today as an introduction to this channel, Daytona and I are shopping for my room and we both decided to purchase this camera and take you guys along with us." I said, fixing my hair in the view finder. We go into the bedding section and look around. I set my camera on the shelf and film us just looking at the selection of comforters.
Here and there I would dance at the camera and so would Daytona. I crouch down to get in frame and so does Daytona.
"Okay so I think my theme is white and gold so I found this basic white comforter." I show the bedding to the camera.
"Definitely need to spice it up with a throw blanket and pillows." Dayton adds. I look at her and give her that "true" looks. She gives one back and we laugh. I pick the camera up and we head into the pillow section.
"Y/n this is so you." Dayton shows me and the camera the pillow that has eyelashes on it. I laugh.
"That will be Jake's pillow since he always uses mine." I said, trying to not make it so suspicious that we both sleep in the same bed on a daily basis. Dayton winks at me. "Shut up!" I laugh, causing her to laugh.

We grabbed almost everything except a new vanity, tv stand and chairs. I grab one last hanging plant because I couldn't resist and we head to the food section.
"So the boys want a snack and I have no clue what to get them." I said, placing the camera down on another shelf and we browse the snacks. People walk behind us and see the camera but aren't freaking out over it, which is a good thing because the last thing I want to do is get kicked out. My phone rings and I see jake💛 pop up on my screen. I get all excited and show the camera.
"Guys, Jake is trying to FaceTime. We can show him that I'm a vlogger now." I excitedly said. I point the camera at the phone and answer it. Momentarily, Jake's face pops up. He's smiling but it fades into a confused look.
"Y/n?" His face gets closer, looking at what I had in my hand. I smile.
"Guess who's a vlogger now!?" I said all bubbly.
"Holy shit! Y/n I can't believe it!" Jake sits up with big eyes, causing me to laugh. "Guys look!" Jake quickly said. I see Charlie, Dk and Mikey get into frame. Mikey points his camera at the phone.
"Y/n is a vlogger now! I'm so proud!" Mikey snuffles, causing Dayton and I to laugh. Everyone gets hyped that I got a camera. I point the camera to me.
"You guys are so supportive." I smile at the camera and then back at my phone.
"Of course!" Jake said, causing my heart to flutter.
"Anyways what did you want?" I ask. He gets quiet.
"Just making sure that your okay." He said. Once he said that all the guys "ooooed" causing Jake to mumble.
"We're fine. Just grabbing snacks then coming there. I said. He nods.
"Alright, see you soon. Bye y/n." He said.
"Bye J." I said and I hung up. I look at the camera and Dayton and we continue to shop for snacks.

"I need this." Dayton grabs a new highlighter she saw on the shelf. I point the camera at myself and pretend I'm taking a selfie.
"Damn I look good." I check my self out. Dayton looks at me and laughs. I grab some razors and two face masks and we checkout.
We finish loading everything up in the car and I turn off my camera to save battery life and we sing the whole way home.

Jake's POV

Dk thought it was a good idea to get gifts for y/n for her camera and we just got back home with the gift. I got her a memory card and a tripod for everyday usage. Mikey got her a car tripod and some candy because he couldn't think of anything else. Charlie got y/n a 258gb memory card as well so she will be stocked up for a while and lastly, Dk got her a screen protector for the view finder and a carrying case so it doesn't get scratched up.
Charlie texted Dayton to stall her for a little bit as we set up a surprise party. Mikey and I turn on our cameras.
"Hey guys, welcome back to my channel and if you don't know who I am, I am Jake Dufner and this is a daily vlogging channel. So, y/n got her first camera so she can vlog as well and were throwing her a mini surprise party. We got her some gifts.." I started. I show the island where our wrapped gifts are and point the camera at me. "..now we're just waiting for the text from Dayton to hide." I said.

"She's on her way!" Charlie said and we all get in position. I was crammed next to Dk and Mikey was with Charlie. We head the door open and y/n and Dayton laughing. We hear bags get placed down so we all jump out.

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