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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Charlie! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang. Charlie smiles and then blows out the candles. Everyone claps and Jake's mom takes the cake and cuts it. Charlie wraps his arms around Daytona and she smiles.
Dk gives Charlie a little box and Charlie's eyes lit up.
"You guys didn't have to get me anything!" He trails off. Dk shakes his head.
"No bro, it's your birthday. Take it." Charlie smiles and opens the box. He gasps.
"It's the supreme wallet I've wanted!" He give Dk and actual hug and we all aw and laugh.
"You're welcome bro, happy birthday." Dk smiles. We all give him his gifts. Daytona gave him a Cartier ring, Jake gave him an in & out gift card, which was greatly appreciated, and I gave him the last present.
"Open it! I'm anxious." I nervously laugh. Charlie laughs.
"You're fine. I'm going to love it anyways." He opens the envelope and it was tickets to the Travis Scott concert. His eyes go big.
"No way." He gasps. He looks at me and smiles.
"Heck way." I said.
"I- I can't take these." He hands my the envelop. I shake my head.
"They're all yours." I smile. He pulls me into the biggest hug.
"Thank you." He whispers in my ear.
"You're welcome." I whisper back.
"I GOT TRAVIS SCOTT TICKETS!" He jumps up and down like a girl. Everyone laughs and Jake's mom gives us some cake.

Jake's POV

I wrap my arm around y/n's shoulder, pulling her into a side hug. She smiles and continues watching a movie. It was about 6pm and everyone knocked out on the couch except her and I. My mom and sister left with my nephew to go shopping for back to school so it was just us.
"What do you want to do?" I ask her. She shrugs her shoulders.
"Depends on what you want to do." She lightly bites her lip. My cheeks flush.
"Say no more." I grab onto my shirt causing her to laugh. I give her a confused look.
"I was only joking." She shakes her head in a disappointing way.
"What a shame." I said. She shakes her head, leaning in for a kiss. I kiss her back and she smiles. "Let's go to wawa. I want a bagel." I said. She nods and we get up and leave.

Music blares through the speakers as we drive into wawa. He turns off the car and we head inside. Some of Jake's fans recognize him and take a selfie and chat with him. I walk off and grab a water and snack. Jake wraps his arms around me and I smile.
"Ready?" I nod and we pay for our things and head on our way.
"When are we going to see mike?" I ask. He looks at me as he drives back to his house quickly.
"Not positive, why?" He asks all defensive.
"Just wondering." I shrug my shoulders. He looks at me again and then looks back at the road. "Why are you pissed?" I ask.
"I'm not."
"Yea right."
"It's nothing, y/n."
"Whatever." I cross my arms.
"Don't get pissed off at me if I don't want to tell you something." Jake snaps at me. My eyes go big and I turn my head to the window. I can't stand to look at him. I'm just asking why he's all defensive and he fucking snaps at me? Yeah. Right. Sure. "Nothing" my ass.
Jake turns the volume up and we drive back in silence. As we pull into his driveway, I notice that the lights were on so I guess everyone woke up. We walk into music blaring and everyone dancing.
"Come join us, y/n!" Day giggles, as she dances with Charlie. I shake my head and run up the stairs into Jake's room and lock the door.

Jake's POV

"What's the deal with her?" Dk asks me. I shrug my shoulders.
"I don't fucking know." I snap and go into the kitchen, still pissed off. Why did she even ask about Mikey. Does she have feeling for him? Should I not ask her out?
"Dude, don't get bitchy with me. I'm asking about my fucking sister and you're being a douche." Dk snaps back at me as he walks into the kitchen.
I shake my head and feel my hands and jaw clench down. "Dude, come outside." Dk practically drags me outside. I stand outside with my arms crossed.
"Did you get into an argument?"
"Yeah dude, I think she has feelings for Mikey." I said, looking everywhere but Dk's eyes because I knew if I did, I would cry.
"Bro, that's not it. She loves you." Dk said.
"I don't know man, I feel like she's torn between us both. I know he still has feelings for her. But I'm deeply in love with her. She's the one." I look into his eyes with my jaw clenched. A tear falls down to my cheek.
"Then tell her. She love you too, man." Dk pulls me into a bro hug. I nod and we both go inside and I run up the stairs.

My hand goes to the doorknob of my door and it was locked. I knock softly on the door.
"Y/n?" I softly said. No response.
"Please, can you open the door?" I ask quietly. I hear the door click and feet walking away from the door. I open the door to see her laying in my bed with one of my sweatshirts on.
"I'm sorry, for everything." I quietly say. She looks at me with a tear stain face and just nods. "I was just a little tense. I don't know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you cry. You don't deserve to have a person in your life who just makes you cry. And I-." I ramble. She gives me a hard kiss against my lips to stop me from talking. I kiss her back. She detached her lips from mine and looks at me.
"I don't deserve anyone else. I deserve someone that I care about tremendously. That that someone is you, Jake. I can't picture my life without you." She said. My heart fills with butterflies as I pull her into another kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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