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Your POV

I wake up to Jake still snuggling with me. I smile to myself. Last night was amazing. I felt safe with Jake. Kissing me and snuggling with me, I just loved being in the presents with Jake. Even though Mikey still lingers on my mind, I see myself being with Jake.
"Morning." Jake said in his morning voice.
"Good morning." I quietly said. I open up my phone and open Snapchat. I see Jake's eyes peacefully closed behind me so I take a photo. I answer my streaks, check Instagram and my other social media's then put my phone down and I felt Jake's hand rub my ass.
"How did you sleep?" He asks.
"Fine, you?"
"Good with you by my side." He said, making my heart melt. I try to get out of bed but Jake pulls me closer to him. I laugh.
"No, stay! I'm warm." He whines. I see that his camera is on my nightstand and I take it and record him.
"Jake, I'm leaving." I told him and tried getting out of bed, again.
"Nooo!" He whines, pulling me closer this time again. He opens his eyes and sees my filming him. I laugh, causing him to shake his head. "You're mean." He pouts. I hand him his camera and get up and pick out an outfit. He does his intro to his blog and I picked out some black skinny jeans, checkered vans and a white tee shirt. I go into my bathroom and change quickly. I brush my teeth and hair then get out to see Jake in an outfit. He points the camera at me.
"Look at y/n, she's copying my shoes." He points to his shoes and mine.
"Don't get your panties in a twist." I smile and he rolls his eyes at the camera. He turns his camera off and and go downstairs to be greeted to Alicia and Dk. Alicia was smirking at Jake and I and Dk has a serious face on.
"Morning." I said, making my way to the fridge to grab things to make a smoothie.
"Morning." Dk and Alicia said to me. Jake said the same thing and they repeated it back to him.
"So you two were in the same room last night." Alicia chimes in causing me to stop what I was doing.
"And?" Jake asks.
"You two didn't do anything?" Dk asks.
"No dummy. I felt bad having him lay on the couch so I invited him to sleep in my room. Nothing else." I said, while continuing to make my smoothie.
"That explains the hickie on your neck." Alicia said. Damn it. I told him not to leave anything!
"It's a bruise. I fell onto a rock at the beach." I said.
"Ouch." Dk said. I looked at Jake and Alicia once Dk wasn't looking and they gave me the look that they weren't going to tell Dk about anything. I finish my smoothie and sit at the island with everyone else and drink it.
"Did you get some cheeks, bc I heard you guys this morning." Jake laughs. Alicia blushes. "Ew that's disgusting. With my cousin bruh." He laughs. Dk laughs as well.

"Bye, have a fun day." Jake and I wave off Alicia and Dk. They were going to the beach today. They invited us but we didn't want to be a bother. As they were leaving, Mikey and Justin walk in the house.
"Wassup?" Justin and Mikey dab Jake up and hug me.
"Nothing, figuring out what to do." Jake said. I look at Mikey's neck and saw multiple hickies. I frowned but brushed it aside. I went into my room and they boys were catching up, probably asking about Mikey's date and what not. I cleaned up my room a little and made my bed until I felt a presents behind me; it was Jake.
"We're going to film, wanna come with?"
"Sure." I said, grabbing my phone and wallet. I was about to leave the room until Jake grabs my hand and pulls me back.
"What?" I ask. He kisses my lips.
"Just wanted a kiss." He shrugs, like it's no big deal. I blush and we walk out of the room.

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