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Your POV

The food came and everyone devours it. Here and there there was a few short conversations but nothing major. Jake's hand was still on my thigh and his hand kept traveling up until I swatted his head away, now it rests on my thigh and he rubs it here and there.
Once we finished eating, Charlie paid for everyone even though we all insisted on splitting the check, then we got back into the car. Dk drove us home because I felt tired and wanted to take a nap, knowing the boys would want to do something later. I sit next to mikey and Alicia while Charlie, Dayton and Jake sit in the way back. I rested my head on Mikey's shoulder and drift off to sleep.

"Wake up." Mikey shakes my shoulder.
"I'm awake, you dummy." I sit up. We all go back to my apartment, well Dk's apartment and hang out in the living room.

"Alicia, can I talk to you in the other room?" Dk seemed pissed. Alicia quietly got up and they both went upstairs.
"What was that all about?" Charlie raised an eyebrow.
"I could ask the same thing." I look at my hands. Jake turns on the tv and picks a random channel. To my surprise he presses spongebob so we all just watch it.
Alicia comes downstairs with her bags and tears streaming down her face.
"What's wrong?" I stand up and rush over to her, so does Dayton.
"Nothing." Dk said. I look at his face and it looks like he was crying too.
"I- I have to go." Alicia pushes away from us and leaves the apartment. I look at my brother and he shakes his head and heads upstairs.
"What the hell happened?" I give him a glare.
"She cheated on me, that's what fucking happened." He angrily said and goes upstairs and slams a door. My heart sinks. I feel awful. I know how much she meant to him. I sit back down and we all try to talk about anything but the obvious.

"There's a spare bedroom for you guys." I said to Charlie and Dayton. It was 4am so everyone was going to start heading to bed.
"Thank you." Dayton smiles and hugs me. We got to know each other really well today and I consider her one of my good friends now. Charlie pats my back and heads to the spare bedroom with Dayton.
"I can pull a king bed to my room if you guys want." I look at Justin, Mikey and Jake.
"I have to film some content, y'all wanna come?" Justin asks. Mikey shakes the camera.
"Sure, I'm not that tired." I said and grabbing one of Dk's hoodies from the coat hanger and throw it on.
"I'm down. I'm just not in the mood to do intense things. My ribs hurt like shit." I give Jake a sad look, feeling bad about causing the bruising to his ribs. He shakes his head and we all go to Justin's car to explore California.

"I'm surprised in and out is still open." Justin pulls into their parking lot.
"Me too, but food!" Jake gets out and practically runs to the entrance. Mikey films him and laughs. The three of us go inside.
"You hungry? My treat." Mikey asks. I shake my head.
"I'm not really hungry." I sit in a booth and Jake sits next to me and Mikey and Justin sit on the other side. We wait for a waiter and they order what they want. I go on my phone and just scroll through social media. I look up and see Mikey, Justin and Jake gone. I shrug it off and just think that they went to the bathroom.
I feel someone's ands grab my waist and I jump up and turn around, almost punching the person in the face until I see that Justin, Mikey and Jake were there.
"Jesus you guys." I catch my breath. Justin laughs.
"You should've seen the look on your face."
"Shut up, just." I punch his shoulder. Mikey and Jake laugh, filming me. I shake my head and they sit down and eat their food. I look outside and see that it's starting to get lighter out.
"Film this for my instagram." Jake hands me his phone and I press the record button.  Mikey turns on a song and Jake does a funny dance, causing me to laugh. He almost falls over and I click the record button again to stop the video. He adds the video to his Instagram and tags me, Justin and Mikey. We all like it and head into the car again. I sit in the back with Jake and feel my eyes start to close.

Mikey's POV

Justin suggested to go to this haunted tunnel so we go there. I look in the rear view mirror and see y/n peacefully sleeping and Jake on his phone, glancing over at her ever so often.
I can tell how much she means to him and vice versa. I know she was upset when she found out I was going on a dating with someone else but I had to. It was a blind date set up by Charlie. He did it not knowing I liked y/n and to my surprise, I started falling for Britney (britney is the girl he went on a date with). Y/n will always be in my heart and if it's meant to be, she will come to me. But right now I think we're drifting into separate ways, relationship wise.

We get to the tunnel and I start my into quietly.
"Hey guys, so we made it to the tunnel but we have to be quiet because y/n fell asleep." I softly said to the camera and point it to y/n peacefully sleeping.
"Anyways, we brought the Ouija board and were going to see if we can get in contact with anyone." I said. I shut my camera off and Justin, Jake and I quietly get out of the car to start out experiment.

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