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Your POV

Jake takes my phone so he can take an Instagram photo for me. I take a sip of my drink for the photo.
"My whittle baby." Jake baby voiced. I smile and he snaps the photo.
"Jake!" I gasp.
"Y/n, you look good." He shows me the photo and I smile, liking the pic.
"Thank you." I lightly blush and post the photo.

y/nmiller : tip #1 - don't have jake take a photo of you ❤️

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y/nmiller : tip #1 - don't have jake take a photo of you ❤️

                    tagged : jakedufner

     600,000 likes , 300,000 comments

Jakedufner : first like and comment 😤

y/nmillerfan : you're so pretty! It's not fair

Jakedufner : but damn I take great photos ;)

mikeymanfs : I'm hurt, you didn't invite us

Dkmoneyy : cute photo

Jakemiller : adorable! Date already!!

hater : ugly, I hope you and Jake never date. You're using the boys for fame

y/ndufner: date!!! #diller

morganalexandraa : damn mami

taylorxoxo : MY BEST FRIENDDDD

y/nmiller : I'll admit that ;) @jakedufner

y/nmiller : @mikeymanfs I would if you didn't ditch us :,( kidding have fun

y/nmiller : love u bro @dkmoneyy

y/nmiller : love ya best friendsss @morganalexandraa @taylorxoxo

"Damn you look so beautiful. I can't stop telling you that." Jake scans me, causing me to blush. I give him a smile and we eat our food.

"It's not over yet!" Jake pulls me to the car. I laugh. We drive some more until we get to this beach. It was beautiful. He holds my hand and we walk the shore.
"Hey you two!" We look and see Mikey ahead of us and I immediately release my grip from Jake. He gives me a weird look.
"Hey, funny to run into you." I smile at him. Justin, Dk and Charlie and Dayton come from literally nowhere and greet us as well.
"Well come film some content with us, were trying to make the better flip." Dk said.
"Oh I'll show you all up." Jake hands me the camera and I record him and the boys doing flips. Dk goes first and I was quite surprised when he did an actual flip. Justin went next but it was a little rusty. Mikey went next and he did it perfectly. Charlie went and did one perfectly as well. Last but not least, Jake went and landed it perfectly as well, no wobbles or nothing. Dayton and I went into a little circle with Jake and Charlie's camera and discussed who the "winner" was.
"I think it's a tie between Mikey, Charlie and Jake." I whisper to her and the camera. She's nods, agreeing with my statement. We turn back around to see the boys eagerly wait for the results. Dayton and I look at each other and back at them.
"It's a tie." Dayton said. I nod.
"Bullshit!" Mikey said angrily.
"That's fucked up." Jake said. We laugh.
"Welp that sucks for you because three of you did it perfectly." I said. I point the camera in Jake's face and zoom in on it looking mad. I giggle and he starts to run after me. I run trying to get away from him and I felt someone hoist me over their shoulder.
"JAKE!" I yell/laugh.
"Y/n!" He said out of breath, running to the guys again. I turn off the camera, not wanting to waste any of his battery. As he was running back to the boys he lowly said, "You're going to get it, y/n." My heart beats out of my chest. He puts me down, grabs my camera and acts like nothing happened. I gulp and see Dayton smirk at me.
"Lets go in the water." I tell Dayton. We take off our shoes and walk hand-in-hand into the water, just to stick our feet in.
"You didn't tell me about you and Jake." She nudges me. I felt my face heat up.
"We're not dating. I guess just flirting." I furrow my eyebrows together. What even are we?
"What do you mean?" She asks. I've told her everything that has happened. From him kissing me to the first time to us in the shower together this date. Her eyes open wildly.
"Holy shit, y/n!" She giddily squeals. I smile.
"Don't tell a soul." I point my pinky finger at her. She interlocks her pinky into mine.
"Promise. But what a man! He respects you and treats you like royalty." She awe. I pout my lips.
"He's such a sweetheart. And a jackass. But mostly a sweetheart." I smile just thinking about him.
"You guys are made for each other. The way you look and talk about each other. I can tell that you both really like each other." Dayton smiles. I hug her and she hugs me back. "I hope you guys go "out out" soon tho!" She shakes me in the hug and I laugh.
"Me too, it's our first date I guess today. We went to Olive Garden and we were going to come here to watch the sunset until we saw you guys." I said.
"The more the merrier." She winks, causing me to laugh. "But he will probably take you out somewhere again, just the two of you." I nod and I feel a pair of arms wrap around my stomach. I look at Dayton and she winks at me. I look up and see Jake smiling.
"Can you take a photo of Dk, Justin and I. Mikey and Charlie said that they looked too ugly and didn't want to be in it."
"Of course." I said. The boys jump onto this ledge and I snap a photo.

Jakedufner : squaddd

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Jakedufner : squaddd

                   Tagged : dkmoneyy ,            justinbslater , y/nmiller

     800,000 likes , 500,000 comments

y/nmiller : look at these handsome boys

mikeymanfs : damn who's these cuties

jdfan : 😍😍😍

itscharlieherrera : damn daddies

xoxodufner : I saw that comment from y/n 👀

justinbslater : a group of daddies oof

dkmoneyy : we cute 😍

jakedufner : @y/nmiller ❤️❤️

jakedufner : @mikeymanfs love you , @itscharlieherrera thanks daddy , @justinbslater true oof , @dkmoneyy true that

Dillership: you and y/n would be cuteeee

"Oh shoot we gotta head to these abandoned malls before the security show up." Mikey said, checking his phone.
"You coming with?" Dk asks Jake and I. I was about to speak when Jake said,
"Actually, I was going to take y/n somewhere. We can definitely come some other time." I look at Jake and my checks got rosy.
"Damn, have fun." Justin winked at us.
"Not too much fun." Dk warned.
"See you losers later." Mikey dabs Jake up and whispers something in his ear and then gives me a hug. "Use protection." Mikey whispers in my ear. I punch his arm, causing him to laugh.
"You ass." I laugh.
"Bye love birds." Charlie waves, wrapping his arm around Dayton. She waves her phone at me and I nod. We go our separate ways to the car.
"Ready for your next surprise?" Jake said, grabbing my thigh in the car.

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