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Jake's POV

Mikey and I look at y/n, awaiting the question.
"Are you okay?" She softly asks. Mikey looks at her and nods. "I'm just wondering because Britney gave me a bad vibe the other day." She looks down at her thumbs.
"We're cool, don't worry about it." Mikey smiles, completely lying to her, which is for the better. She nods and takes her last bite of the granola bar. Mikey sits down next to me and grabs an apple from the basket and sinks his teeth into it. I look at y/n who was on her phone smiling.
"Who's making you smile?" I ask her. She looks at me, then back at phone, then back at me.
"Memes." She simply said, causing me to laugh.
"Weirdo." I smile at her. She smiles back. Mikey gets up and throws on his shoes.
"Let's go!" He said. Y/n and I look at each other weirdly.
"Where?" I ask. Mikey picks up his camera.
"Trampoline park."

Your POV

I hop out of the car and walk in with Jake and Mikey to this huge trampoline park in California. We walk in and Mikey shows me where to fill out a waver form just Incase I hurt myself that they are liable. Dumb but it's whatever. I sign my name and Mikey films Jake signing a dick as his signature. Jake laughs and I just shake my head.
"Y/n, is Jake's signature dummy nice or what?" Mikey said. I smile, shaking my head.
"Definitely." I take my camera out and record Jake adding details to his dick.
"Jake, what are you doing?" He looks up at me and the camera and laughs.
"Is my shit fat or what." He said, adding emphasis on the what.
"Dude, it's hella fat." Mikey said.
"Hella thick." I said causing Mikey and Jake to laugh.
"With 4 c's." Jake said. I laugh. I turn the view finder to me and do my intro.
"Hey what's up you guys welcome to or welcome back to my channel. I am y/n Miller and I'm here at this dope ass trampoline park with these goofs..." I point the camera at Jake and Mikey and they make some dumb dance moves as I finish my intro. "...anyways, we're just going to do some flips and stuff and I am going to attempt to do a backflip today with the help of Mike and Jake so wish me luck." I smile at the end and turn off the camera.
"I still can't believe you're officially a vlogger." Jake said, pointing his camera at me. I skip my hair and smirk.
"Pretty crazy, bro." I said, causing him to laugh.

We take off our shoes and go onto the trampoline part. I bring my camera and follow Mikey and Jake around. Jake asks Mikey to film him sending it into the foam pit and Mikey agrees. Jake does a full into it and I clap.
"Bravo." I said, wiping a fake tear from my face. Jake smiles, shaking his head.

I jump around as Mikey and Jake are doing flips. I bounce from one spot to another, almost hitting a kid in the process. I bounce over to Jake's spot and he smiles at me.
"Flip! Flip!" Mikey says again. He has been trying to make me front flip for an hour now but I'm too nervous s since I haven't done one in over a year.
"I'm good." I said.
"Please?" Mikey begs. I finally cave in and Mikey turn on his camera.
"Send it!" Jake yells causing like 5 people's heads to turn around, lookin at me. I bounce a couple of times and hurl myself into a front flip, like good times. I open my eyes to see that I was on my feet. I did it!
"Oh my god! I did it!" I gasp. Jake runs up to me, picking me up at spinning me in the air, causing me to laugh.
"I'm so proud of you!" Jake has a huge smile plastered onto my face causing me to get butterflies in my stomach.
"Y/n! Y/n! You did it!" Mikey holds out his camera and gives me a big hug. I return it and smile.
"Guys, I haven't done a flip in over a year and this was my first attempt!" I said to his camera and my camera. I was extremely proud of myself.
"Let me teach you to back flip." Jake said. My heart sinks.
"I'm too nervous." I said. Jake looks at me.
"I got you, y/n. I won't let you get hurt." Jake said. My heart melts. He's literally the sweetest boy known to man.
"I swear to god, Jake Nicholas..." I start. He blushes, hating me for saying his middle name.
"You're going to be okay." Jake reassures me once more and I finally give in, letting him help me do a back flip. Mikey sets all of our cameras up to record this attempt. Mikey comes back to us and jumps in the box next to us. (If you're confused on what box I mean, there this section at almost every trampoline park where there's mini trampolines on the ground and there can only be one person in each little section)
"Okay so you're going to have to fling yourself around like you would a front flip but leaning back instead, of that makes sense." Jake said. I nod my head, getting really nervous to attempt this.
"Y/n, I got you." Jake looks me directly in the eyes, then at my lips. I look at his lips then his eyes as well.
"Okay." I softly say. I look over at the cameras and then back at him.
"Jump. You need a lot of air." Jake said and I started to jump. "Now when you feel comfortable lean back in the air and I will guide you down, okay?" He said. I nod.
"Okay." I said back. I jump really high. I continue to bounce, petting my nerves fade away until I felt like I was ready to attempt this. I jump once last time in the air and lean back. I feel Jake's arms and hands on my lower back and ass, of course, guide me down.
"You did it!" He embraced me into a hug. I clap.
"I did it!" I excitedly said.
"You did it!" Mikey gasps too. I smile. I did it!

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