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We start to wait into the long line at Canes and notice Justin a little further up and go to him.
"Yo guys, what's up?" He dabs everyone up and gives me a hug. "Hey pretty." Justin whispers in my ear.
"Hey besto." I smile. We get in line with him and start this wait for food.
"How was work, dog?" Dk asks.
"Shit. Glad I have to day off tomorrow."
"Ey, that's wassup." Mikey dabs him. I roll my eyes. Boy lingo gets so confusing. I just go on my phone, checking Instagram and all of the other socials. Dk peers over my shoulder.
"What are you doing?" He tried to scare me.
"Being bored. The usual." I smirk slightly. He lightly hits my arm. "You know I'm kidding. But this line is going to take forever."
"True." He agreed. I lean against Dk and he wraps his arms around me.
"I'm too lazy to stand." I drop all of my weight on him. He forces me to stand up myself.
"Suck it up kiddo." I rolled my eyes.
"Everyone has to be single filed!" Some employee yells and and we all get into a single filed line. I feel someone's hand on my lower back and i turn around to see it was Mikey. I blush a little and pretend it doesn't bother me.
"Is this okay?" He whispers in my ear. I shrug my shoulders trying not to show that my stomach is in thousands of knots.
"I mean I know that it bothers you." He said softly in my ear.
"How?" I look at him.
"Your hearts beating fast, I feel it." He said. I look straight ahead.
"And? Maybe I thought of something scary." He laughs at my comment.
"Yeah right." He chuckled. Boy are these two playing with my emotions. Jake shows interest in me and so does Mikey. But it's way too soon to start to develop feelings for them, even though I have. I just don't know if I'm going to be able to decide on someone.

Once we sit down, everyone starts to devour their meals.
"This was so worth the wait." Justin moans slightly. ( Not like that...yet ;) )
"True." I say with a mouthful of my meal.
Everyone continues to silently eat and i scroll through my Instagram while eating. Someone's phone rings and Dk picks it up.
"Hey baby girl." He gets up and takes his convo outside, leaving Justin, Mikey, Jake and I alone.
"Ew." I said, referring to how Dk called his girlfriend 'baby girl'. Jake laughs.
"Yeah, plus that's my cousin. I mean if she's happy I'm happy, but ew." I laugh.
"Speaking of girlfriends, I met this fine girl at my work." Justin said.
"Nice, Just!" Jake and Mikey give him a bro shake?
"I'm so excited to hang out with her, I got her number and everything." Justin brags. I roll my eyes and Jake and Mikey continue to congratulate him.
"You better not ditch us for a girl. That shit is dumb." I said to him.
"Of course. You're the first girl I liked anyways." Justin smiles at me.
"Real funny, Slater." I roll my eyes.
"What about you, y/n. Do you have a boyfriend." Jake asks me casually.
"I wish." I said.
"I'm surprised that you don't, y/n. All of the guys would be over you if you went to a club or something." Justin said. My eyes light up.
"That's where I haven't been in a while! A club. I need to go back." I said to myself.
"No you're not." Dk said to me.
"Yes I am." I said back.
"Y/n, no."
"Dk, you're not mom or dad. If I want to go I'm going."
"I'm not going to have my baby sister shaking her ass out for men to see."
"Honestly, fuck you. I don't even do that. You know nothing about me." I get up and get my keys.
"Come back here now y/n, or else." Dk warned me.
"Or else what." I called over my shoulder and flip them off. I smirk to myself and continue out of Canes and get into my car and drive home.
I know Dk isn't the type of guy like this but it's only for the book

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