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[Mike Wheeler Part 2]

After leaving the forest you and Lucas drove back home. Lucas would've tried to comfort you but he's known you long enough that he know you wanted some alone time.

After Lucas and you parted ways and you decided to go to small forest in your backyard.

You had never let anyone go in there with you. It was your forest.

You were really trying not to think of the current situation when you heard footsteps and the sound of branches breaking.

You immediately froze. You were sitting on the branch in one of the highest trees in that forest so they couldn't really find you.

You looked down and saw a familiar head of curly hair.


Dustin looked up frightened but when he saw you he immediately relaxed and sent you a sympathetic smile.

After climbing down the tree Dustin told you that you had party meeting at 9:30 P.M the next day and not too be late.
The Next Day
9:25 P.M

Y/N was already at the porch of Mikes house but then rethought going in alone. If she hadn't known them so well she would've though that maybe the boys weren't here yet and to try and wait for at least one of them to show up.

But Y/N knew better and she knew that the boys were already in there. So she knocked on the door very quietly.

After talking to Mikes mom for a couple minutes, Y/N held her breath as she walked in.

She walked down the steps and saw the party standing around a table with concerned looks on their face. 

When Mike saw Y/N normally his heart would beat faster and he would blush but now he didn't feel anything.
(Basically after this they discuss the upside down and where will is. After discussing Mike takes Y/N outside to tell her something. I'm sorry I just don't wanna write all that)
"Why would you leave ?!" Mike shouted.

"You know you really are dumb." Y/N said bluntly. 

"I don't understand.." Mike said confused.

"I like you Mike. Okay !? And I've like you since the 4th grade and it hurts me to see you with another girl that isn't me! So just tell me one thing. Do you feel the same way ?" Y/N sobbed for most of the sentences but at the end she had a hopeful tone in her voice.

Mike began to stutter a bit with his words. "Every times I saw you I would get this feeling. Like butterflies in my stomach."

Y/N smiled a bit at hearing this.

"But ever since El came along, the butterflies come when I look at her. I'm really sorry Y/N but can we still be friends ?"

Those words echoed through Y/N's head even to this day.

Y/N had nodded but as soon as she got home she had begged her mom to let her move in with her Aunt for a while. Her mom had simply nodded.

The next day she was at the train station with her dad who dropped  her off.

When she arrived she was met with a big sign that had been graffitied over the years but you could still see the letters. "Welcome to Derry."

Y/N began a new life with new friends. She even got a boyfriend. He was a trashmouth sure, but when he was around Y/N he was a blushing mess.

And as for Mike Wheeler and the Party ? The party was completed heart broken that another member had left them. But Mike was the most guilty feeling.

If he had just said that he liked you too, you'd be with them right now. With Mike. But that's not how life is.


I was actually trying to make this a happy imagine but I just couldn't. I'm sorry I'll try to make the next one happier.Apparently this book is ranked number 7 in celebrity imagines thank you guys so much !!💕

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