Concealed For Nothing

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*Picks up from the last chapter. Will mention SVU*

Jordan- 17

Ever since coming back from New York, Jordan has been completely nervous about talking with her father. She let what Olivia and Erin told her, but before she told her father thinking to get the courage to tell him first.

Max has been in Chicago since he followed Jordan and he hasn't been able to find her which aggravated him, now he had to find other people to take her place until he finds her.

One night he'd been stalking a teenage girl, she was seventeen, brown hair, brown eyes, and the exact same height as Jordan. He was following the girl, as the girl walked she turned down a dark alley she felt a chill go down her back. She turned to see no one there when she turned back around Max was there with an evil smirk.

"Please don't hurt me". The girl pleaded.

Without a word he began attacking the girl, the girl was now dead and Max was covered in some blood. He was now more annoyed because the girl fought him and now he has scratches on him. He then left the alley.

District 21

The team was just about to roll out for the night till Antonio's phone rang.

"Dawson...alright yeah we're on our way".

Everyone looked at him curiously, Hank looked to his senior detective. Jordan was outside her father's office looking, normally she stayed back but not this time.

"What's up". Hank spoke.

"Patrol got a body, victim is a seventeen year old female, brown hair, brown eyes-" He was cut off by his niece.

"Was she my height?" Jordan asked.

Everyone looked to the teen surprised, Antonio raised his eyebrow a bit. "How'd you know?"

"If I'm right this is the same guy that struck in New York when I was there. Girls my age, brown hair, brown eyes, my height. I think he came for me".

Hank went over and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "He's not gonna hurt you. You're not leaving any of our sights. You're gonna stay here with Mouse".

"How'd you meet this guy?" Jay asked.

"Erin and I, we were at a mall and he bumped into me. He told me his name was Max he could have been my age maybe older I'm not sure he never said. He gave me his number but I never gave him mine. When Olivia and the others got their case she asked if I talked to anyone I didn't know. I think it was the guy that did this. She knew I was a potential target so they got me out he must have followed me".

"Until we know exactly what's going on Jordan doesn't leave the District, she doesn't go anywhere without one of us. I'll be damned if the son of a bitch gets her". Hank told everyone.

Jordan went back to the office and shut the door. Her hands were shaking, she was getting the urges to drink, cut and use. The seventeen year old was fighting hard like hell to block those thoughts. Hank walked in his office to see his daughter upset he then took a seat by her.

"I won't let him hurt sweetheart, he won't get anywhere near you". Hank assured her.

"I keep screwing up dad. Face it, I'm a screw up". Jordan said.

"No you're not". His voice was calm but firm and sharp.

"I talked to a murder suspect".

"You didn't know sweetie".

"I shouldn't have dropped my guard like that. It was easy to do it".

"That's because you're still young, you didn't think anything of it".

Jordan Voight: Teenage YearsWhere stories live. Discover now