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Standing by the elevator, Mariana closed her eyes for a minute remembering her Father's words.

' always take your ears as your number one weapon, they can do more than what  your eyes can ever do "

She silently listened attentively, her breathing rugged. Silent cries and sobs but then something else caught her attention. She could hear the safety being changed, pointing out the gun in the direction.

She remembered the man she saw earlier, his position and height then raised her gun in that direction and shot.

She hid back as a loud groan was heard all over the room, grabbing Marco's arm she started pulling him towards down the hall as the lights came back on making them both freeze.

His eyes moved over to Mariana landing on the gun in her hand, most people had started running out of the building at the highest speed they could.

As the halls cleared, another bullet rang through the room making them jump a bit in shock.
Mariana fell to her knees as Marco pushed himself back in to the wall, taking a look back more men dressed in black with tight masks were coming there way.

Two more shots were aimed the way, her hair flew along as the bullet missed her by an inch, the shock of it giving her a shiver as her eyes widened.

' shit that was close ' Mariana chanted collecting her self once more.

Marco shot back earning grants, he ran over to Mariana giving her a hand and pulling her to her feet.
As more bullets flew there way

Marco shot again doing his best to slow these men down as they bolted towards the emergency exit door taking the stairs, they bent low when bullets came flying there way once again.

They arrived in the parking lot a black car swerving in front of them " what are you waiting for ?" Aveline roared from inside with a smirk.
Marco pulled the door open and Mariana got so did he.

"What the fuck is going on ?" Marco asked as Aveline swerved into the road, the tyres screeching against the floor loudly while she took a turn.

"The Cobra's want us dead, they attacked Gaetano and his wife after they had left the airport and Gianni got shot as he left the ware house " Aveline spoke up stepping on the gas while watching something from the side view mirror.

"Who the hell are the cobra's ? " speaking of that, Marco watched Mariana's eyes widen in surprise then she turned around in her seat uncomfortably for a few minutes before looking away.

"They are deadliest assassins only sent to kill, I don't understand why they approached us directly cause normally they work in shadows. I mean they could kill us from long distances. Something is not right and they are following us, I need to get off the main road. "

Marco grabbed the 9mm gun from Mariana's grip exchanging it with the one he had, he lowered the glass of the window slowly watching as the cars came more closer, he looked back at Mariana only to see her doing the same.

Bullets flew there way catching them off guard, Marco tried shooting back but in vain.

He sat back looking at Mariana her blue eyes met his for a minute and he could see the tears clouded in them, but there was something else.

Guilty, now Marco was sure this girl knew something about what was going on, she looked away from him checking her gun then positioning her self

She shot the front glass of the first car catching the driver off guard as he went Zigzag on the road giving her a chance to shoot the tyres of the second car.

Marco and Aveline seemed fazed, none of them even had mastered such speed in shooting.

She had a perfect skilled target and the speed most of his men couldn't even try.

' cause am a sharp shooter, more like an assassin.. ' Damn how could he forget who she really was.

A loud boom sound brought him back from his thoughts, he turned back to see the two cars that were following them tangled and caught in a fire.

Mariana sat back down quietly placing the gun in her hand on Marco's lap and looking away outside the glass window.

Marco stared at the gun she was holding a few minutes ago then back at her wondering what was wrong, she had done something good then why did she seem sad all of a sudden

"Fuck, she's perfect " Aveline spoke up branching to a dirt road.

"Aveline, were are we going. " Marco asked trying to pull his thoughts away from the girl sitting besides him.

"Geatano ordered all of us to move in to the safe house, you need to face Antonio someday Marco "

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