Twenty Nine

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Her eyes finally fell open but looking up was not an option as she tried to look away from him but Mariana really knew she had to do this before giving her body to him.

She knew she had to this now before she changes her mind.

"I am married " she whispered, her voice soft with pain and defeat but her words sharper that spears and knives attacking his heart.

Anger rushed through his blood like venom.

Sadness, betrayal, lies.

He felt like the whole world around him was starting to move forward locking him in a four walled room.

"Marco " she whispered but got no reply as he tried to move far away from her, her hand held on to his wrist making him look down at her
" please let me explain "

If she thought, she saw flames in his eyes then her sentence made it even worse.

Not wanting to do what he will regret afterwards Marco stood up striding towards the door to his room.

Mariana stared at him then shook her head.

She wasn't going to let him leave like that, jumping on to her feet she ran past him to the door and locked it.

Pulling out the keys, she threw them on the floor and kicked them out through the small space below the door.

Marco stared at her with amusement as his fingers moved through his hair more roughly.

"Mariana.." He growled staring at her but she just shook her head looking up at him.

"Am going to explain Marco and please you have to listen.."

"What's there to explain, how your husband loves you so much ?" He roared and she flinched.

Suddenly she laughed so hard holding her stomach, it felt forced, empty and painful to pierce his heart.

" you make it sound like I was happy " She whispered as tears fell down her eyes, she couldn't hold on standing as her legs gave away.

She leaned on to the door but then slid down hiding her face in her palms she sobbed loudly.

Marco stood silent watching her, wanting to hold her but couldn't move.

"My mom left when I was six and my dad became my everything. Alessandro Romano was not your typical dad but he was mine " she whispered wiping her tears and staring far into space.

" I love you so much soya bean" he whispered and she snorted

"I love you too dad, now stop calling me that " he chuckled at her patting her head like his new cat in the room.

"He was an assassin, famously known as The Shadow and he taught me all I knew " Marco stumbled back a little staring at her with wide eyes.

"Dark shadow, the ex leader of the Cobras" he replied and she nodded.

" Maria could you be serious, your going to rule the underworld assassins one day " her father whispered and she giggled.

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