Thirty Four

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" Don't you think you have done enough, you're the one that attacked us at the hospital that day. You blew up Marco's house and then ordered for his assassination.

In all you forgot one thing, I know all the faces of the cobras. I grew up with them and I know all there tactics, just because I had lost my voice doesn't make me stupid "

She turned towards the cobras that stood behind Gaetano and Gianni with raised guns

" lower your damn guns cobras and untie every single person in this building, let them free " she ordered and Valente's eyes widened.

"Don't you dare " Valente roared and Mariana shook her head.

"Your forgetting again Valente, I rule but you are just a husband. You only rule when am not around.

Do as I say Cobras " she spoke up and her men did as she said.

Letting lose Gaetano strode to where she sat " Mariana " he called and she shook her head.

"Please take Marco to the hospital " she whispered staring down at the man her heart loved dearly.

"How about you " Davin questioned and she shook her head again.

"I will be okay, just take him please " she whispered then leaned forward towards Marco's face slowly lowering the gun.

Her eyes swept over his bloody face before she slowly closed her eyes placing her lips on his bloody ones.

She could feel the metallic taste of his blood on her tongue but didn't care, she slowly pulled away and stared at him "I love you " she whispered before pulling away.

Gaetano stared at her and she nodded "Am going to end this " she whispered to them but they weren't so sure.

"My men are with you " Gaetano replied and didn't wait for her to say no as he helped carry Marco out.

Mariana watched as every one left her alone with her dear husband.

Before she could comprehend what's going on next, Valente kicked the gun out of her hand. He raised his foot to kick her and she rolled over making him miss.

She stood up on her feet, Marco's face flashed through her eyes and she knew this had to end.

She was sure by now that Marco hated her with all he got, she ducked as Valente threw a punch her way giving her a chance to hit him on the side of his stomach with all her energy.

He staggered back and stared at her, he looked around and his eyes fell on the gun he had kicked out of her hand.

He stared at her moving forward he noticed that her thoughts had drifted off and hit her hard with a slap that sent her on the floor.

He grabbed the gun fast before any of the cobra's had a chance to move fast, he pointed it towards her as she looked up through her hair.

"You made me look stupid cause you love that Di Martino loser, wow Mari where you the beautiful slut for him like you always are " he spat bitterly stopping besides her.

He grabbed her by the hair pulling her to her feet " At least he won't ever force himself on me like you monster " she spat back.

" since am a monster let me show you what a monster can do " he growled making her shiver in fear, her mind drifted back to the angry Valente she knew.

She could feel her body sweat as he drugged her out of the building with a gun pointed at her head that was the only way for the cobra's to make way.

"Valente let me go " She cried as he opened the passenger seat door of his car.

He pulled her close staring deep in to her eyes " by the time am done with you, You won't talk anymore " he threatened forcing her in to the car.

Moving to the driver side he pulled the driver out and sat in racing off on to the main road.

"Valente stop the car " she screamed holding on to his arm but he pushed her away.

"Shut up " he roared and she buried her face deep in her palms bursting in to tears.

She didn't want to show her weakness but what was she to do, Mariana felt stuck.
He was taking her back to that hell she hated most.

He was going to break her again, which she didn't want, looking up her eyes caught sight of the cars trailing behind them.

She knew they had to be Gaetano's men and the cobras as she turned and something hard pressed against her chest.

How could she had forgotten that she has a gun

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