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10 : 35 am

The car arrived at the ware house as Artur stepped out of the building,  Gaetano, Marco and Gianni stepped out as the two other cars came to a halt. 

Aveline, Piper and Mariana stepped out of the second car and walked in behind the guys so where the other men.

They all walked in to the office, Gianni threw everything off the table as Artur and Viktor walked in with a map in hand.
They knew they had to make a plan only with hope of things not going down the drain.


"Ana " Davin spoke up earning Mariana's attention as she set up her gun, looking up at him he handed her the phone.

Mariana's eyes moved up staring at Davin confusingly then back at the phone screen.

' Stay Alive Gift ' She smiled knowingly then handed the phone back to Davin, her eyes settling on the gun once again.

Marco arrived at the scene with Gianni and Artur and they were ushered inside the hall.

Aveline walked into the VIP Section with a tray of drinks in her hand. The front of her black dress covered by an apron while her black heels clicked against the floor, her hair up in a pony tail with a little pinch of make up.

Piper helped usher the guests to there seats, her dress also black and so where her heels.
Gianni sat at the third row of the front on the left side.

Marco sat right in the middle rows while Gaetano sat upstairs in the VIP where as Mariana and Viktor also had the perfect view to the inside from different buildings.

Andrea had the jets already prepared as the ceremony started, girls ascending the stage in a line. There faces all caked up in make up while dressed in skimpy dresses.

The auction started, all eyes glued to the stage attentively. Men fighting over young girl's putting up all there money until number thirteen stepped forward.

Her brown hair straightened perfectly while her honey brown eyes staring down at the floor, Marco felt his heart beat faster as Gaetano stood up walking towards the balcony taking a clear look " Adriana " he whispered more to himself.

Two men had put up there prices already. Gianni stood up slowly making his way back stage with Piper helping to making way; being dressed like one of the workers here was an advantage.

Marco walked back to the main doors, making his way to the outside to prepare the cars while Gaetano sat back and watched as wild men fought over Adriana with there money.

Until the price settled, Gaetano looked intensely taking a clear look at the man that had bought his sister. Receiving a message on his phone, he smirked and then stood up

"Adriana " Gianni whispered as she got off stage ready to walk back to her room and wait with the man that was keeping her but he was no longer there.

" Gianni " She whispered, her lips trembling as she sprinted towards her brother and hugging him so tight not ready to let go. Gianni pulled away placing his leather jacket to cover her skimpy dress then carried her in his arms bridal style.

It was the only way for her not to see the dead bodies they had created.

"Let's move, there's movement down the hall " Piper checked the Silencer of her gun as they started to head over towards the back door.

Taking the exit they started to head down stairs,  Piper shot the two guards on the door before stepping out in the cold ness. The car stopped in front of them and they got in.

" Marco " Adriana whispered earning a simple smile from the him as he stepped on the gas.
"It's okay sis, am right here "

"Shit we're being followed, they knew we would come " Marco drove racing down the road at the fastest speed possible.

Mariana stared from a far then pulled the trigger catching the car on Marco's trail off guard as it got off the road bursting into flames.

She got the perfect target and shot the second car that it went rolling in the road then burst into flames too.

"Ana, you need to pack up before the building is surrounded "
Mariana unassembled the gun as fast as she could then placed all the peaces in the bag before standing up.

She grabbed her hand gun as they started to run out of the building with bullets flying there way on a hot trail.

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