Chapter 8 | The Secret Passage

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I looked on this morning to see that this book is now #3 in #Black Family! Thank you guys so much!

Euphemia's first day passed by in a flash and a flurry of meeting new teachers, getting accustomed to different classes and trying to avoid Walburga and her cronies because, if the dirty looks they were sending her meant anything, she was dead meat.

She knew that 'fraternising with the enemy' was not allowed in the Black family and for her to be speaking to not one but two half bloods and a blood traitor Hufflepuff, well.....let's just say Mia was being pretty rebellious.

Luckily for Mia, she could hang out with Eileen and stay away from Walburga in lessons and in between periods.

It was crazy that all this was already happening on her first day - she had another seven years of this and if every day was going to be as full of drama as this Monday had been then Euphemia was definitely all for resigning from being a student. Wait, could one even do that?

Her first day had dragged on a little, everything had happened at once and it had felt like an extremely long day even though the majority of the afternoon had flown by.

Euphemia honestly just couldn't believe that being a student could be so stressful and nothing could've prepared her for the excessive amount of drama that had filled her day.

Was it really only that very morning that she had been planning to kill Walburga, Heather and Mary (plus Eugenia at some point) with her pancake weapons?

It felt like that had happened years ago, not just that morning and Euphemia shook her head slightly, dazed.

She was on her way to dinner now, with Eileen at her side talking about something that had happened in Charms which Euphemia frankly wasn't listening to but made the occasional 'mhm' and nodded in all the right places which hopefully gave the impression that she was actually listening.

In fact, she was wondering how she would be able to get out of the Great Hall without being followed by Eileen, pursued by Walburga's cronies or without making her early exit from the meal seem too suspicious.

After all, she was a Black and so it would most likely be noticed if she suddenly got up from the table and snuck off into the Entrance Hall.

It wasn't like they were doing anything wrong by choosing to explore the castle at a quieter time when the majority of the school body would be enjoying their evening meal.

However, it was harder for Mia as a Slytherin and a member of the Black family to get up and leave whereas a small group of Gryffindors or a couple of Hufflepuffs wouldn't attract any attention or anything.

"Euphemia, are you even listening to me?" Eileen suddenly asked Mia, taking her out of her thoughts with a jerk and the girl blinked a little as she realised she was now in fact seated at the Slytherin table, though when she had got there she would never know.

Eileen was staring at her expectantly and Euphemia's eyes widened before she nodded frantically and Eileen's eyebrow raised in disbelief.

"What was I saying, then?" she challenged and a jolt of panic shot through Mia for a second before she literally took a shot in the dark.

"Uh, Gobstones?"she guessed wildly, due to knowing her friend's obsession with the game and Eileen's face brightened, "Oh, you were actually listening. Good."

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