Chapter 9 | Flying Lessons

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The next day dawned bright and early, the morning sun shining onto the lawns of Hogwarts yet again, leaves fluttering in the slight autumn breeze as the birds chirped into the air, creating quite a lovely tune for Euphemia to wake up to.

The same, however, could not be said for the people she was sharing the room with. They certainly were not lovely.

Euphemia stretched out in her bed, yawning widely as the sounds of Eileen's alarm rang through the room, waking them all up.

All Mia could think about though was how she was so lucky to have such great, amazing friends and it had only been one day so far.

She had always longed for true friendship with whoever she wanted, not a forced one with pureblood supremacists and she had gotten what she had wanted all along.

With a jolt, she remembered that her first flying lesson was today and she couldn't help but be little excited for it, as well as slightly scared that she was going to make a fool of herself.

It wasn't like she didn't enjoy flying, she had always loved clutching onto her father's robes as he flew her gently around the spacious grounds of their home.

The problem was that she had never been given the chance to actually fly a broom herself, she had only ever rode on one before.

It was probably due to the fact that flying a broomstick was not deemed a 'ladylike' hobby.

Marius, on the other hand, had his own broom and was actually taught how to fly beforehand.

"I can't believe we've got flying lessons with those horrible Gryffindors," Walburga was saying in a distasteful tone and Euphemia shook her head to herself, only half listening through her drawn curtains, her cousin's silhouette quite faded through the green satin that surrounded her four poster bed.

She heard Heather's sleepy mumbles of agreement and Mary reply, "I know, they're so insufferable!"

Mia felt like telling them off but didn't want to cause any more drama between them as she knew she was already verging on the edge of Walburga's bad books and Heather was most definitely not a fan of hers.

Instead, she quickly got dressed from behind her curtain, reaching out to retrieve her clothes from where she had left them the night before and not showing her face until she needed to.

Walburga, Heather and Mary seemed to take ages to get ready and head off to breakfast but soon the dormitory fell silent and Euphemia breathed a sigh of relief, rolling out from underneath her curtain, finally pushing it aside.

It wasn't like she was avoiding them or anything. Of course not.

Eileen, coincidentally, was still getting ready and was fixing Euphemia with a pleading stare to which Mia simply answered with a weak smile, which seemed to brighten up Eileen's mood.

The small girl opened her mouth to speak to Mia but she had already headed into the bathroom, hairbrush in hand.

Truth be told, she felt rather awkward around Eileen because of her little outburst in the great hall yesterday but she also knew that Eileen was the only one that knew she was hanging out with the others and that scared her.

Eileen could easily let it slip out of jealousy or resentfulness and Euphemia knew that was the last thing she needed.

Signing, she dragged her hairbrush through her dark locks, quickly brushing it up into a high ponytail before fixing a green ribbon around the bobble.

She may have not been particularly happy about being in Slytherin but the first stage to accepting it was actually acknowledging the fact that Slytherin was her house and she might as well be proud of it.

Toujours Pur | Euphemia BlackWhere stories live. Discover now