Chapter 30 | Advice From A Playboy

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Can't believe I actually managed to get to chapter 30 - as minimal as it might seem, this is the longest book I've ever written and it's all down to all of you. Thank you all for being so supporting, this story would not be at this point if it wasn't for you guys!

'But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief.....'

Euphemia sighed, flicking the page over to the next scene of the acclaimed Shakespeare novel as she settled herself more comfortably into the chair that she had been occupying for the past hour or so.

She couldn't help but wish to have the sort of love story that Romeo and Juliet had - as cringeworthy as it was, it was a truly unique love between the two of them even if it ended in disaster and tragedy.

If only she could find somebody to seemed like everyone hated her right now and the hateful words from her mother repeated in her head over and over, never shutting up.

Mia, over the years, had grown accustomed to Cassiopeia's insults, almost to the point that she had started to believe them and they had become imbedded in her mind, weaved into her very brain.

Euphemia had managed to delve quite far into the play and she had found herself whisked away with the story as she had always been one for romance, she thrived off it.

The Shakespearean words took her a while to get used to but she eventually managed to understand them enough to follow the plot accurately which was helpful.

Reading the play had managed to take her mind off what had happened that morning, the whole ordeal with the Howler had actually slipped from Mia's mind as she had gotten immersed in the story.

It was quite intriguing to see what happened between the two of them, their love story was truly unique and Euphemia couldn't help but crave for the love that was between Romeo and Juliet.

She had, of course, flicked to the end and peeked at the last scene of the last act to see what happened as Mia had a tendency to do that with books - she just couldn't wait until the end to find out what happened.

Euphemia had been rather shocked to see that both Romeo and Juliet died and she thought it a waste of true love but also saw how it fitted into the story well, all love had to end in tragedy or sadness eventually.

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Mia muttered underneath her breath as she read out from the page out-loud without realising.

She chuckled a little, "Talk about bloody desperate," she scanned her eyes over the next page or so, skimming through the scene now as she found it all rather amusing but sweet that they were engaging in such a manner.

"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" a voice sounded from behind Euphemia and she jumped a mile, her heart thudding furiously in her chest as she placed a hand there in shock, spinning around in her seat.

She hadn't heard the door slowly open with a quiet creak nor had she seen Dumbledore lean against his vast bookshelf with his arms crossed and a slight smile on his face as he watched her read, looking rather casual for a Professor.

But it wasn't Dumbledore that had spoken for the man's mouth was sealed and so Euphemia looked around for the source of the voice.

A sheepish looking Charlus grinned at her a little nervously from where he was stood behind her chair, his hands placed on the back of it casually.

Mia glared at him for surprising her and he offered an apologetic grimace before he moved forward in what would seem to be a concerned manner but Euphemia deemed that it could not be that as it was Charlus Potter and Charlus Potter did not do the concerned friend act.

Toujours Pur | Euphemia BlackWhere stories live. Discover now