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Ambulance were coming towards the place where Raine got accident. It was one heck of an accident. Her car was wreck, her head is bleeding a lot, had a lot of bruises and scratches from the broken windows. You won't even recognized her face from the blood that's rushing down her face, and the scratches. The ambulance reached the accident place and they got Raine in the stretcher and rushed her to the nearest hospital. The nurse started to clean Raine's blood and started to remove some broken glass that strucked in her skin. He put Raine an ECG to check on her heartbeat and an IV to keep her hydrated. The other nurse contacted Raine's dad, Bruce Willis, to know the real situation of Raine. Raine's dad answered immediately.


RD: Raine, I'm in the middle of--

Nurse: Sir, this is California Medical Center speaking, it's your daughter, Raine. She got into a car accident and were on the ambulance and doing a first aid on her.

RD: OH MY GOD!! What happened to my daughter?!

N: She's unconscious right now, her heartbeat is slowing down and she hit herself pretty bad from the accident.

RD: What hospital is she right now?! (He suddenly burst into tears.)

N: We're on our way to California Medical Center. You need to come immediately..

RD: Okay, we're on our way!


*Bruce Willis

After I received the call from the nurse, I immediately called Michael and I let Demi drive the car.


M: Hello uncle.


M: I'm on the way there..


I don't want to lose my only daughter.. Why is this happening to her?! She's a happy and jolly girl.

~After 10 mins~

I immediately arrived at the hospital and went straight to the Operating Room. I saw uncle Bruce and auntie Demi, they saw me and auntie Demi went near me and hugged me.

"Did they said something to her condition yet?" I asked them.

"They just told us that they're starting to operate her." Auntie Demi said.

"Oh my gosh!" I said.

~After 35 mins~

"Bruce, Demi, Michael.." The doctor caught our attention and we immediately stood up and went to him.

"What is the condition of my daughter?" Uncle asked.

"Well, she's in a critical condition. We need to let her stay in the ICU Ward so that we can monitor her health. But, I want you to prepare yourself when she woke up."

"Why? Is it a bad news?" I asked the doctor.

"Well, it is. She might not remember anything that happened to her. She might have an amnesia from the hard impact she received from the incident. She's still unconscious and her heartbeat is still low. She's between life and death right now. But, we promise to do our very bests to make her better."

"Did you know what happened?" Auntie Demi asked.

"Well, she was driving her car when a 10-wheeler truck hit her driver side car very hard and it made a hard impact on her head and her, along the car went tumbling until the windows breaks and had slashed her skin and with that impact, she became unconscious but thanked God it didn't made her skull broken. But the impact made her head bleed and lost a lot of blood. Glad that someone witnessed the accident and immediately called for help."

"Do we need to do a blood transfusion to her??" I asked the doctor.

"We already did the transfusion and it went success. But now, all we have to do is to wait for an improvements and wait for her to wake up and remember you guys and what happened about the incident. That's all I need to tell you for now. We're gonna transfer her to the ICU Ward. Only one visitor at a time. I should go now." The doctor left and we all thanked him for telling us the news about Raine.

"Oh dear, I don't wanna lose my daughter. She's the only sunshine I have and with this accident, this might changed her life--our life forever..." Auntie Demi said.

"Honey, we won't lose our sunshine. We won't lose her, right Michael?" He looked at me.

"We won't. The truth is, it's mostly my fault."

"What do you mean?" Auntie Demi asked. All of us sat on the chair.

"Me and Raine were at the Neverland when she told me that she was arranged marriage with her boyfriend, Edward. I got mad at the thought of her marrying that maniac. Then, I stormed out and I heard her drove her car out the ranch. A little while, I called her and I told her the real and my true feelings about her. I admitted that I love her more than friends and she loved me too. But then, she said that she doesn't want to interfere with my relationship with Brooke because she doesn't want me and Brooke fighting about me and Raine liking each other. Then, I decided to go to your house but when I reached there, she's not home. I kept calling her and texting her but she never answered any of them. Until, she finally answered my call. She told me that she canceled the wedding because she knew that Edward was cheating on her and she doesn't wanna be my best friend anymore. She only wants me to be just her friend and it's the benefit of me, without her causing trouble between me and Brooke. Hearing her say that things to me means she doesn't want to continue our friendship. She wants to end it and it hurts me."

"She doesn't maybe want you to choose over her and Brooke. I know you want them to be by your side but Michael, you gotta choose neither of them to really stay with you for the rest of your lives. I don't want Raine to come crying to us about you and her." Uncle Bruce said. He has the point, I gotta choose whom I gonna spend my life with and I don't want to lose the both of them. Brooke is the love of my life, I can't let her go easily and break her fragile heart. Raine is the most special girl to me. She's everything a man could asked for. We've been together for all our lives and we make each other happy, confortable and fun. Yes, the both of them makes me happy, but I gotta choose who will make me complete. And that woman is-------  

Brooke Shields....

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