Phone Calls to Family

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Without any hesitation, I got my phone and dialed Michael's number. It ringed and he immediately answered. I heard his background about Aubrey's intense cry.


M: Babe, she scrapped her knees and it has a little blood. Mother put medicine on her knees and she won't stopped crying. 

R: Can I talk to her?

M: Aubrey, mommy wants to talk to you..

A: Mommy!!

R: Hey baby.. You scrapped your knees? Daddy told me.

A: Yeah, because--I--I was catching--you but--I--I--stumbled--on--on the flo--floor..

R: You're mommy's brave girl, and mommy's brave girl don't cry. Please stop crying..

A: I'll try to stop..

R: That's good baby. Tell me how's your brother?

A: Prince is good, he cried but he didn't ran like me. (I heard the other line's background that they are laughing. I chuckled a little.) 

R: Baby, Prince is still little. He cannot run or walk like you, because you're already a big girl, but Prince is still young and little.

A: Oh! Now I know.. When will I visit you mommy?

R: Very soon baby.. Can I please talk to daddy?

A: Okay.. Daddy.

M: Yes princess?

A: Mommy wants to talk to you.

M: Baby, you still crying?

R: Lil' bit. But, I'm going to make it through.

M: That's my tough baby..

R: Yeah.. I already miss you guys..

M: We missed you more baby.. But Aubrey missed you so much.

R: I know.. But don't worry, you guys are my inspiration to help me win this crown.

M: I love you baby, just remember that.

R: I love you more Mike. 

M: Let's end this one, you'll keep on missing us. Just call me if you reached Singapore already.

R: Okay. Tell Aubrey that I love her so much, even Prince. I love you daddy.

M: I'll tell them. I love you more mommy..


Being away with your family is very hard to get over. *SIGH* But, what I'm doing right now to about winning the Miss Universe is for them and for my countrymen.


I arrived here in Singapore and it's already midnight. It's already 12:30 am here and maybe I'll give Michael a call.


M: Hey baby! Did you arrived in Singapore?

R: Yes baby. It's already 12:30 midnight here. There, what time is it?

M: It's already 8:30 am here. Time in Singapore is ahead of California.

R: Yeah.. *Sighed deeply*

M: Home sick already?

R: Yeah.. I just can't take it.

M: It's okay--

Aubrey: Daddy, is that mommy? Can I talk to her please?

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