The Dinner

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The lunch with the squad was fantastic. I find them very fascinating and funny, especially RDJ (Robert Downey Jr.). Me and Scarlett got a very interesting start of friendship. I think everybody does. They welcomed me very willingly and happily and I cannot wait to work with them. Right now, I am currently driving inside the ranch. I parked the car in front and stopped the engine from working. I got my bag and got out from the car. I closed the door and went inside the house. As I went inside, I closed the door and heard some running footprints. 

"Mommy! You're home!!" Aubrey screamed and I put my bag on the couch and bend down and hugged my baby girl.

"Hi baby! I'm home!" I saw Michael and Prince is on his arms. I carried Aubrey and I walked near Michael and kissed his lips. We broke the kiss and I went to kiss Prince's lips.

"How's my babies and my daddy?" I asked them.

"Mommy, daddy let us play with Bubbles awhile ago! We ride some rides and daddy took us a bath!" 

"Oh really??" I asked surprisingly.

"I can also take care of them." We both chuckle and we all sat on the couch.

"I know you can take care of them, that's why we had kids."

"Yeah.. I got mother to asked her about taking care of our babies."

"Oh, what did she said?"

"She said that she's not feeling well. She might not be able to take care of them. I also asked my siblings and they were busy, but I called Jackie. He will babysit the kids. We'll just have to bring the kids to his house and picked them up at the evening."

"I'm glad Jackie will babysit them."

"I also told Bree about that and she's happy because she can play with Brandi."

"That's good." I said as I put down Aubrey and she grabbed Prince's arm and they played on their play's mat. I put my head on Michael's shoulder and he put his arms around me and cuddled with me.

"How's your meeting?" He asked me.

"It was fine. The casts are friendly and they welcomed me whole-heartedly. I can't wait to work with them."

"I saw the news of your press con, and the media mentioned you teaming up with Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan. I got a little jealous. Just little."

"Are you sure it's just little?"

"Yeah, because I have trust on you. And because I love you." I looked at him and held his cheeks in my both hands. 

"I love you more Michael." I kissed his lips and I parted from the kiss. I went to snuggle closer to Michael and closed my eyes.

"Are you tired baby?" He asked quietly.

"A little but--"

"I'll take care of the kids and you take your rest."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll wake you up when it's time to prepare for your mom's dinner."

"Okay. Kids, mommy will go upstairs and take a rest first for grandma's dinner, okay?" I told the kids.

"Okay mommy." Prince said.

"Sleep well mommy." I just smiled at them and I got my bag and went upstairs and changed clothes and went to sleep immediately.

~After 4 hours~

"Mommy, it's time to prepare.." Michael said softly. I opened my eyes a little and sat carefully. 

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