Daddy Michael Mommy Raine

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"Alright Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, we'll start on pushing. On the count of 3, you gonna be pushing Mrs. Jackson." Her doctor told us. Raine nodded her head on her and I held Raine's hand and kissed her forehead.

"You'll do good, squeezed my hand hard if you needed. I love you very much mommy." I peck her lips and she nodded her head on me.

"I love you too.." She responded.

"On 3, 1...2...3.. Push!" Raine pushed very hard and she did gripped my hands harder than what I think. It's the least I can do while she's pushing her all just to give me my dreams to be a father.

"You're doing good baby.."

"Perfect Raine. I need one more of that. 1...2.....3...push!"


"Don't forget to inhale and exhale baby." I told her and we did together her breathing strategy.

"I can see the baby's head. One big push Raine. 1..2...3..push!!"


"WAAAHHH~~~WAHH~~WAHHH~~" Just then, we heard Prince's cry. I looked at Raine and we're both in tears. I kissed her lips and she held my cheeks.

"I love you so much Raine.. Thank you..Thank you for being the bravest and strongest girl ever!" I kept pecking her lips for being thankful for her.

"I love you too Michael.. I love you.."

"Mr. Jackson, will you do the honor of cutting the umbilical cord of your baby?" The doctor asked me and I went to her and saw my baby. She gave me the scissors and she pointed to where I'll cut. As I cut it, the nurse got my baby and cleaned Prince up. I went back to Raine and I got her hand in mine.

"Baby, he's so beautiful! He got the shape of your lips." I told her.

"Really? I can't wait to hold him in my arms." She said very weakly.

"I know baby.." Just then the nurse brought Prince and she gave it to Raine and the nurse assisted Raine on breast feeding the baby. Looking at them seems magical. Raine is tearing up when she saw Prince in her hands. I went to her and I kissed Prince's temple. I kissed Raine's lips and put my forehead against hers.

"Thank you so much baby, he's so beautiful just like you are."

"No, just like you." She told me. I stood up properly and wiped my happy tears. Raine kept on smiling at Prince. After she feds Prince, she gave me the baby and I carefully held him in my arms. I held Prince's hand in my finger and he immediately held my finger. I kissed his forehead and I shed a tear.

"Hi Prince, it's your daddy.." Prince immediately opened his eyes and his eyes are like Raine's, mesmerizing and beautiful. He showed me his toothless smile and I kissed his forehead again.

"I love you so much Prince. Since the day when I found out your mommy is pregnant, you already captured my heart and I am eternal grateful that I have you, Aubrey and your mom in my life."

"Michael.." I heard Raine called me.

"Yes mommy?"

"I am thankful because you're the reason why we have this kind of family. I love you so much.." I went near her and I kissed her lips.

"I love you too.." I told her and she just laid properly on her bed.

"Mr and Mrs Jackson, we will bring you to your room. Please take a rest Mrs Jackson, you've put all your energy for this young man." She told Raine and she just nodded her head and laid properly.

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