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For the past 2 years, Aubrey is now 4 years old and Prince is now 3 years old. The kids are very happy with what is happening between me and Michael. Michael is now touring around the world for his Dangerous Tour. Me and Michael had a deal. While he's away from touring, the kids will stay with me and Chris. The kids totally liked the idea. As for me and Chris, we have been living together for 2 years and we've been together for 2 years and still counting. Michael is cool with the idea of me dating Chris. As my best friend and the father of my kids, he let Chris promised them to never hurt me in every other way. And now, I am expecting a baby boy. Yup! I am 5 months pregnant to Chris' baby. My family, Chris family, Michael's family and the kids are very much excited to meet the baby. Of course at first, Aubrey got mad because she wanted to have a baby girl to play with her dollies. Prince is very much excited because he gets to play soldiers with his daddy cap. Sometimes, the kids call Chris daddy, they said they should start calling their uncle cap daddy, so that the new baby won't confused on why they call Chris uncle cap. 

But when Michael and Chris are in the same room, they decided to add daddy cap in calling Chris, so that Michael and Chris won't get confused on the call. The kids really helped Chris in taking care of me and the baby. They go to the store if I have this cravings, when I vomit, they gave me my medicine and water. They were such a big help. 

"Sweetheart, I want you to know that I love you and this little Cap forever."

"We love you too sweetheart and here are our dreams, starting to fulfill. Gonna have a complete family.."

"You already gave me a family when you let me be the father figure of Aubrey and Prince." 

"Because I saw something in you that makes me tell that you're going to be a great father one day. And that day comes when this little boy arrives." I said while rubbing my stomach. He went near me and kissed my lips. 

"God! You're too good for me.." He said.

"You're too perfect for me." I said and he smiled at me and he pecks my stomach. 

"So, what will be the name of our son?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"I wanted David.."

"How about.... Daniel Jacobs.. DJ in short."

"That's good sweetheart. I got another one James Alexander."

"I like it.. What shall we choose?"

"I don't know. What if we ask the kids of what names do they like?" 

"Ask us what daddy?" We heard Aubrey went down the stairs and she went in front of us. 

"Princess, we were kind of confused on what to name you baby brother." Chris said.

"Oh, okay.. What are the names?"

"Daniel Jacobs or James Alexander." I told her.

"How about Christian Alexander. From daddy's name, Christopher and mommy's second name Angelle.." I look at Chris and he raised his eyebrow at me.

"I think we got the name." I told Chris.

"Thank you so much princess for your help." Chris said.

"You're welcome daddy and mommy." She walked back upstairs and I went to cuddle with Chris on the couch. 

"So, Christian Alexander is it?" I asked.

"Yeah. Bree did a good job on deciding our baby's name." 

"Yeah, she does." 

"I can't wait to see our baby." I look up at him and I kissed his cheek. 

"Me too hun and I bet he's charming like you and strong."

"I hope he's like you too, smart, funny, talented and humorous." He pecks my lips and I smiled at him.

~4 months later~

"God Chris!! It hurts!!" I held his hand and my pain won't stop coming. 


~After 1 hour~

Me, my family, the kids, Raine's family and Chris' family and friends are outside the labor room waiting for Raine. Her water broke and she in labor. 


I walked out of the labor room and saw everyone's attention looked at me and hurriedly went to me and asked me. 

"How's Raine and the baby?!" They all panicked.

"Guys guys, let's sit down and talk." I seriously said making them more panic. I like how this is going.

"What happened  to mommy, daddy?" Aubrey asked me while she went to me. I carried her and put her in my lap.

"Raine is fine, she's tired and all from the labor." I said.

"How's the baby?" Raine's dad said.

"The baby is healthy, and the baby is a boy!!" I excitedly said! Yes, they didn't know the gender. Only me, Raine and the kids knew the gender of the baby.

"What's the name?" Robert Downey asked.

"Lil' sergeant, care to tell?" I asked Aubrey.

"The baby's name is Christian Alexander Evans." Aubrey said.

"Aww.." They said.

"Well Mike, be proud of your daughter, she named her baby brother without a sweat." I said and Michael just smiled at nodded.

"She's like her mom, she's smart." Michael said.

"I agree." I said. 

"Thanks daddies!" Aubrey said. She kissed my cheek and she went to Michael and did the same. 

"Well, I gotta get back and go back to my family." I said.

"Congrats Evans!" The whole Avengers team said and I nodded my head and went inside to see my wife and my son. Raine is looking at Alex and looking at them melt me. Then, she look at me and I smiled at her.

"Would you like to carry your son?" She said as I went near her. 

"Sure.." I bend down a little and she carefully pass Alex to me.

"Hi little cap. This is your daddy speaking. Right now, I can't explain how much I love you and your mommy. I promise to take care of you, love you and protect you from the world. I'll be your best friend and I love you so much." I said and tears fell down my eyes.


Alex was being passed to everyone, trying to see the beauty of him. Raine was just resting  up and I am sitting on the chair beside her, holding her hands and rubbing my thumb in her hand and sometimes, I tend to kiss her hand and I'm just looking at everyone who's holding my son. 

Forever ( A Michael Jackson story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu