The Spaces

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We just finished eating dinner and Chris had put the kids to bed for their nap. Chris went to the kitchen to help me wash the dishes. After washing them, Chris turned me around to face him and he held my hands.

"Raine, no matter what happens, I'm gonna stay here with you day or night."

"Thank you so much Chris. you don't know how--" Just then, he crashed his lips onto mine. I put my hands on his neck and his into my waist. After a couple of seconds, he broke the kiss slowly and he put his forehead on mine.

"I'm sorry, I should've--"

"Chris, it's okay. I think we should wait until I'm totally healed and I think I should have moved on from Michael before having another man enter my life, even the kids."

"I'm sorry that I rushed things. But, please know that I'll wait for you to be heal and to be completely better. I won't rushed you. I know that Michael hurt you this way but I promise to never hurt you in any way. I love you so much to be hurt Raine."

"Thank you so much. I know you're attached to my kids. I wished you have loved my kids like your own and I want someone to protect my kids when I won't be able to do it."

"We'll protect your kids, together. I love them like my own and I'll try to be a father figure to them."

"You're like their father already when Michael didn't do his responsibilities as a father to Aubrey and Prince. With that simple act, you proved the kids that no matter how lonely my world is, you made them realize that someone will come and light up their world." Just then, he pecks my lips. 

"I'm sorry, can't help it." We both giggled at his action.

"That's okay." I went to wipe my hands and went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"By the way, I'll just go home and get my clothes, Aubrey just asked me to have a sleepover with you guys here."

"Yeah sure. Thank you for saying yes to Aubrey. You know how much it means to her having you here with us."

"No problem, as long as you guys are happy. I'll be back in 10." 

"Okay, be careful." 

"Thanks." He went near me and kissed my forehead and he left the house. This house is just like Beverly. I have hired some bodyguards to guard the house. Hired some driver to drive me and the kids wherever we wanted to go.


~Hearing Day~

Me, Chris, Aubrey, Prince, Scott and Lisa(Chris' mom) went down the car and all of us went inside the court house. Chris is holding Aubrey in his arms and Prince is with me. Just then, when we went inside, I saw my mom and dad. 

"Mom, dad! You're here? How did you know?" I asked while kissing their cheek. 

"Katherine told me the other day about the divorce. I'm sorry it went downhill." Mom said.

"I'm sorry too, darling. But where will the kids stay?" 

"The court will still decide." Just then, mom and dad greeted Chris and his family and they got the kids and we carry on inside the court. Chris held my shoulder and he rubbed my shoulder.

"I'll be here no matter what." I looked at him and nodded my head.

~The decision~

"The court decides that the marriage of Mr. Michael Jackson and Mrs. Raine Willis- Jackson be divorced. The children: Aubrey and Prince Jackson will stay in the property of Mr. Michael Jackson. Ms. Willis still has the obligation to visit their children depending on the discuss matter with Mr. Jackson." 

"The court is dismissed." Just then, I looked at my back and went to my kids. 

"Aubrey, Prince, listen to me. You are going to stay with daddy forever. I'll try to visit you there in Neverland, okay?"

"No mommy, I want to stay here with you and uncle cap!" Aubrey said. Then her tears fell down her cheeks like a water falls. She hugged me tightly and I put my head into her shoulders and cried. I broke the hug and I wiped her tears.

"Baby, the court decided to let you and Prince stay with daddy. The court doesn't trust mommy well enough." 

"Mommy, come with us.." Prince said. I carried Aubrey and Chris went near me with Prince on his arms. I got Prince and I sat down and let them sat on my lap. 

"Remember that you told me that you missed daddy, here's your chance on spending time with daddy. I'll try and visit you every weekends, me and your uncle cap will visit you. We promise." I said.

"Yeah little sergeant. Me and your mommy promised that. We'll still have sleepovers and do some blanket fort like we always do." Chris said. Aubrey went to Chris and he hugged the girl.

"Can you get us tomorrow.." Aubrey said.

"Weekends are still far. I promised to call you everyday and every night. Remember, what I told you yesterday, be good kids to daddy." I said while wiping my tears.

"Yes mommy." Prince said. 

"Now go on. Daddy's waiting on his little angels. I love you guys so much, please remember that." 

"I wuv you more mommy." Prince and Aubrey said. We had our farewell hug and I kissed their heads and they went to Chris and he did the same to the little ones. Janet went near the kids and she held their hands and they went to Michael. When Michael got to hugged the kids, mom insisted to let us have some break. Chris got my back and we walked out on the exit. As we went to the exit, I immediately went to the car and remained silent. I opened my social medias and changed my status back to being single.

"Raine, you okay?" I heard Chris whispered while he held my hand. I just shook my head and turned to look at the window. While driving, my phone rang and saw it's Janet calling me. I decided to turn off my phone and put it in my bag.

"Who was that?" Chris asked. 


"Why?" I just shrugged my shoulders and became so silent. 

~After an hour~

We have arrived here in Boston and any corner I look, all I see is the kids, happily playing with me and Chris. 

"Hey, can I borrow you for the meantime." Chris said. I nodded my head and he just bring me into my bedroom and he let us sat on the bed. I put my head on his neck and he wrapped his arms around me. 

"I can't function well enough, knowing my kids are far from me." I admitted.

"I know it's gonna be a hard time, but I won't leave you in this kind of situation. That's why I pulled you out from everybody, I just want you to feel a little strong though that's a hard decision. But I promised you to be here beside you forever." 

"Thanks Chris."

"I want you to rest up and tomorrow is a new day." I just nodded my head and I just sighed and closed my eyes. In a little while, I fell asleep while I'm in Chris' body, snuggled closer.

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