New Beginning

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~The Next Day~

I am able to sit, stand and walk. Raine can sit but she can't sit that long. The doctors decided to let me go home. Raine won't be home until next week. She needs to gain her strength and the doctors will make sure that her pain lessens. Me and Aubrey are just playing on the bed while Raine is looking at us. Both families went home first and take their rests.

"Raine?" I called her.

"What is it??"

"Are you ready to marry me?"

"Are you proposing?"

"Sorta.." I got the ring on my pocket and showed it to her.

"We both knew each other our whole existence. You're there to care, support and love me. Having Aubrey means so much to me. I thank you for carrying Aubrey and thank you for giving me an awesome and beautiful child. I love you so much Raine and I can't stand being away from you. So, will you please marry me and be with me forever?" I asked her with both of our eyes clouded with tears. I wiped her tears and kissed her lips.

"I love you so much Michael. Of course I'll marry you.." She told me and we both smiled. I kissed her lips and I put the ring on her left ring finger. I kissed her one more time and I let our foreheads touched. She held my cheeks and we looked at Aubrey.

"Aubrey, our family will be together!" I told my daughter and she snuggle closer to me. I kissed her head and I looked at Raine.

"I can't wait to marry you.." I told her.

"I can't believe that I'm marrying my best friend!" She said.

"Me too but you know we wanted that."

"Yeah.. Can we have the wedding next year? I just want to focus on Aubrey and I want you to focus on your album."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah.. if that's okay with you.."

"Yeah, your plan is perfect.." Aubrey started to fuss and I carried her and stood up. I checked if she's hungry and yep, she is. So, I grabbed her bottle and I feed it to her. I sat on the chair beside Raine's bed and I feed Aubrey. Raine touched her cheek and softly caressed her.

"I missed taking care of my Aubrey.." She said.

"You're going to take care of her soon. I promised."

"Yeah.." Aubrey finished her milk in a few then, I put a towel on my shoulder and I laid her there. I sway a little and tapped her back to burp. She did burp a bit louder and we just giggled at our daughter.

"Tell me everything I need to know about our daughter." I told her.

"Well, she was born on April 7 at 3:30 pm. She is a very healthy and joyful bouncing baby girl. We almost had a twin baby but I miscarriage the baby. When I was 6 months pregnant, I have this contraction. Remembered mom flew to Japan?"

"Yeah, she said that she will have a business meeting to attend to."

"Well, they flew to Japan to help me when I was hospitalized."

"How do you keep your pregnancy to the media?"

"Well, the clothes were too big for me and the bump were too hard to conceal but it was kind of a success plan until I gave birth to Aubrey. She's 3.4 kilos and her name is Aubrey Katherine Demi Jackson. She's a 5-month baby. And her 6 month birthday is coming up."

"Let's celebrate her 6th month!"

"I just bought her a cake and we just eat a little when she turned 5."

"Well, we could have an out-of-town trip for her 6th month."

"We could but where?"

"We could go to Hawaii?"

"We could.."

"Oh and by the way, you and Aubrey will come with me on tour. I just told Frank to let you come with me."

"Yeah, sure why not! I'm sure your daughter will love to see you perform for her."

"I can't wait!"

"When are you going to record your songs?"

"Well, I record some but when you get out of the hospital, I want you to hear me record these two particular songs that I wrote it for you."

"What is it called?"

"The first one is 'I Just Can't Stop Loving You' and the other one is 'The Way You Make Me Feel'."

"It flutters my heart knowing that you wrote a song for me!😍" She said.

"I wrote plenty songs about you."



"What are they called?"

"Girlfriend, Baby Be Mine, P.Y.T, and there's this new song I was about to put on my album but the producers won't let me put it because they said that it's simple.."

"What is it??"

"It's called 'Loving You'. But, I'm going to record it for you."

"I appreciate everything that you've done for me. I love it!"

"Well, I think there will be more songs to come😂" We both laughed a little and I looked at Aubrey. I laid down on the bed, next to Raine and I lay Aubrey on my chest and she faced Raine. I looked at Aubrey and my baby is sleeping. So, I put my head on the bed and closed my eyes.


When I saw them both sleeping, I got my phone and captured them both. I edit the picture and I put a heart❤ emoji on Aubrey's face and posted it on my IG. I covered Aubrey's face so that she won't be criticize by the fans and Michael wanted to protect the identity of her daughter.

@Raine*^*: Two sleeping cuties beside me.😍 I love you both!😍😍😘😘 Thank God for all of this😊😇💞 @michaeljjackson_

I posted it and I instantly got a likes and comments. I put back my phone on the nightstand and I move a little to Michael and I put my head on his shoulder and slept.

Forever ( A Michael Jackson story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz