Good And Bad News

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~After 2 days~

I woke up and saw I'm on the hospital bed. I looked around and saw mother and Jackie hugging and crying.

"Mother??" I called her and she went to me immediately with Jackie.

"Mother, why are you crying??" I asked her.

"Brother, it's about Raine.." Jackie said. I immediately looked at him in so much worried.

"What happened to her?! Where is she?! Where's Aubrey?! OUCH!" I said while holding the painful part. Jackie let me lay down first.

"Jermaine told us awhile ago that she flat lined. Just now.." While Jackie said that, my heart became broken.

"I need to see her.."

"You can't Michael because--" Someone barged in and we looked at the door and saw Jermaine.

"Raine's alived! The doctors revived her after the 15th try.." Jermaine looked at me and he went near me.

"Is she fine now?" I asked him.

"Michael, she's in coma. She's in the ICU Ward right now. Aubrey is there, she's fine. Aubrey is still admitted here and Janet wanted Aubrey to see her mommy, because Aubrey kept on crying if she don't even see her mommy in the environment."

"What happened to Raine??"

"Well, when we brought you guys here, Raine flat lined when the doctors are starting to operate her. They were able to revive her and the doctors said that she's in coma. They don't know when will Raine wake up." Jermaine said.

"I want to see Raine.."

"You're not yet ready Mike. We'll just send her a picture of her. When your pain is a little, maybe you could see her. I'll fetch Janet and Aubrey, they're in the ICU Ward, inside Raine's room." I just nod my head and he left.

"I need my family.. I need Aubrey and I need Raine!" I told them.

"You guys will be fine. Trust on your girlfriend and your daughter." Mother said. I just nod my head and closed my eyes.

"Michael, the world knows what happened and they knew you and Raine had a daughter." Jackie said.

"How did they know? Fuck! Nevermind!!" I raised the head bed a little and I am sitting a little. Someone opened the door and saw Janet with Aubrey on her arms and Jermaine, pushing Aubrey's IV stand.

"Aubrey! How's my baby girl??" I said while Janet carefully gave me Aubrey. She's on my right said and Jermaine placed the stand on my left and I kissed Aubrey's cheek.

"Did you see mommy?? How's mommy? Is she fine?" I asked her and her face turned like she's about to cry. She laid in my arm and I tapped her legs a little and hummed a song for her to calm down.

"Little Aubrey, don't you worry
Daddy is here to care and love you
Mommy and daddy loves our Aubrey
Our darling Aubrey, is a star that mommy and daddy loves so much.."

I sang a little and I looked at her and she fell asleep. I lift her a little and kissed her head.

"I love you princess.." I whispered and kissed her once more.

"Son, you're going to raise your daughter like what I raised you, okay?" Mother said.

"Mother, everything that you taught me, I'll be teaching that to her." I smiled and then there's a knock on the door and saw a doctor and nurse.

"Hello Mr. Jackson, I'm here to removed your daughter's IV because she can go home already." The doctor said.

"What happened to my daughter? What happened to her wound?"

"We removed her gunshot in her arm. Just changed her bandage everyday. Since she's still a baby, she might scratched her wound, so I recommend to put a thick cloth so she may not scratched it." The nurse got Aubrey's hand and my baby immediately cried.

"Baby, it's okay. Daddy's here." I grabbed her arm and the nurse did her job. I just looked at Aubrey's face and her eyebrows are crunching and ready to cry. I just kept on shushing for her to calm down. I kept on tapping her butt for her to calm down. The nurse removed her IV and then put a cotton and tape on Aubrey's hand. Aubrey immediately put her hand in between us and I smiled at her. Her doctor gave the medicine for the wound and left. I examine her arm and it has some bandage on.

"Janet, could you get a small towel for Aubrey's wound." I told Janet.

"Sure thing." She got the cloth and she tied it around Aubrey's arm, not too tight and tied it.

"Applehead, I'll go back to the ICU to make sure of Raine and see auntie Demi there."

"What happened to auntie Demi?"

"Since she knew Raine is in coma, she was so depressed. She wouldn't leave the ICU and would eat a little. I let her slept on Aubrey's room but now I want her to sleep here later.."

"Yeah, you can let her take a rest here. And call me if she's now better."

"I will let you know. See you later.." She kissed my forehead and she kissed Aubrey's chubby cheek.

"Mother, I'll take a rest for a little bit, wake me up if Aubrey's awake."

"Okay son." I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

~After 2 hours~

I felt Aubrey kept on moving in my arm. I opened my eyes and saw her awake. I was left here with Aubrey.

"Hi Aubrey.." I told her.

"Dada!" She said.

"Oh my gosh! Is that your first word!? Is it dada??!" She giggles and I chuckled at her.

"What does my baby wants?" I asked her.


"You want mommy??" She smiled at me and I grabbed my phone.

"I'll call auntie Janet and picked you up and bring you to mommy, you want?" She dugged her face on my arm and I rubbed her back. I called Janet and she immediately answered.


J: Hey brother.

M: Janet, could you pick up Aubrey, she wants to see her mommy.

J: Good news brother, we're coming there inside your room.

M: Okay. Aubrey wants to see her mom.

J: You could also see Raine!

M: Am I allowed to go down?!

J: No brother.

M: Then what?

*Knock on the door*

The door opened. Me and Aubrey looked at the door and saw nurses pushing another bed. I saw Raine on the bed and I immediately smiled. Aubrey saw her mommy and she smiled.

"There's mommy, Aubrey.." I told her and she smiled. They put Raine on my right part and I saw Raine fluttering her eyes.

"Baby??" I called her and she looked at me. The nurses left the room and I held her hand. I smiled at her and she smiled back at me.

"How's Aubrey?" She asked.

"She's better. Her IV was removed awhile ago and she has medicines to drink. How about you?"

"Hell.. My body is in pain."

"Aubrey wants to be beside you, she kept on crying because she wants to be with you."

"She can. I just want a hug from my daughter." Janet came and grabbed Aubrey and she gave it to Raine. Her wounds is on the right side, so Janet carefully placed Aubrey on her left side. Aubrey immediately cried and Raine comforted her.

"Shhs baby, it's okay. Mommy's here. Mommy won't leave my princess. Mommy won't leave you and daddy.." She kissed her head and I just tapped Aubrey's leg.

"I love you guys." I told them and Raine looked at me.

"Me and Aubrey loves you so much Michael.." I held her hand that's on Aubrey's butt and I intertwined my hand with Raine. We both smiled and I closed my eyes to fell asleep.

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