Mandrake Mayhem

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You, Peter, Ned and May, push through the crowd at Kings Cross dashing to to the platform as fast as you can.

"Oh dear! The train'll be leaving any moment! All together now!" May says.

Hurrying, everyone races to the column in between platforms nine and ten.

Ned and Aunt May stride briskly toward the stone barrier that divides the platforms and simply disappear to platform nine and three quarters.

You glance at your watch, "We better hurry."

Peter nods, and leans into his trolley and CRASH! he hits the barrier and bounces back into you, you fall to the ground.

A muggle guard glowers, "What do you two think you're doing?"

"Sorry. Lost control of the cart." Peter mutters.

"Why can't we get through?" you ask nervously.

"I dunno. The gateway's sealed itself for some reason." Peter shrugs. He presses his ear to the barrier and the train stations clock chimes loudly.

"The train leaves at exactly eleven o'clock. We've missed it." you cry.

"Can't hear a thing...______ if we can't get through, maybe May can't get back." Peter says suddenly.

"Maybe we should go wait by the car." you suggest.

"The car!" Peter exclaims.

"This is mad. We can't drive to Midgards." you exclaim.

"Who says we're driving?" Peter smirks.

"You don't mean- Peter, no." you shake your head.

"Look, who knows when May will get back. And we've got to get to school, don't we? And even underage wizards are allowed to use magic if it's an absolute emergency. Least that's what Peitro Maximoff said." Peter shrugs.

"Since when are we trusting what Peitro Maximoff says?" you sigh, "Something tells me we're going to regret this."

Peter taps his wand on the dash and the car burbles to life.

"No offense, Peter, but are you sure you know how to fly this?" you ask.

"No problem." Peter says confidently, Peter shifts. With a great jolt, the car lifts from the ground,

"There. See. Now I reckon all we have to do is find the Midgards Express and follow it. Simple."

You nod, not entirely convinced. You peer out the window. Down below, two muggles stare in disbelief.

"Uh, Peter. I should tell you. Most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car." you say.

"Right." Peter presses a tiny silver button on the dashboard and the car disappears.

The car's engine puffs softly when this car reappears in the sky. You were in Scotland by now, and couldn't help but gaze out the window at the rolling green hills.

Out of the corner of your eye, Peter jabs at the silver button.

"Uh oh. The Invisibility Booster must be faulty." Peter grumbles. "Any sign of the train?"

"There! Up ahead! Look..." you point to a steep, single line of train tracks.

"Brilliant." Peter shifts, glides down, and sits the car so it levitates only a few feet above the tracks.

The two of you peer ahead, looking for the train.

"It must be around here someplace." Peter says.

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