The Seven Marvels

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An eye shimmers in a shard of silvered glass.

Your eye.

You sigh and toss the mirror inside a lumpy duffle-bag, then add the locket, a Daily Bugle clipping entitled "Strange Remembered", and notebook filled with scribblings on Horcruxes, on this notebook in large block letters there is a trio of initials that read, "J.B.B".

You give the bag a shake, and then glance about to see if you've forgotten anything. The room looks as if it's been bottled up and shaken. Dresser drawers turned out, the floor covered in random debris.

"Come now, Hela. Lets go!" A voice sounds outside.

You step to the window, and peer to the driveway below. Uncle Odin rolls a large trunk towards his car, followed by Hela, who tugs an equally large trunk of her own.

You glance to your dear owl Hedwig, "Time for the teary farewell." You mutter sarcastically.

She hoots in agreement. You drop down the stairs. The house feels barren and desolate.

Aunt Frigga stands at the mouth of the kitchen, looking around. Seeing her, you come to a stop.

"I've lived in this house twenty years. And now, I'm expected to leave." She says sourly.

You bite the inside of your mouth, "They'll torture you. Even Hela. If they think you know where I'm going, they'll stop at noth—"

"You think I don't know that? You think I don't know what they're capable of?" Her eyes pierce yours. "You didn't just lose your mother that night in Godric's Hollow. I lost my sister."

You study her, taken aback, "Do you have any? Magic?"

"What a cruel thing to ask."

You stand, duffle-bag over your shoulder, Hedwig's cage in hand. Somewhere, nearby, a clock ticks. Otherwise, all is still. Utterly quiet. You glance about the house, it's full of shadows, like ghosts. Your eyes burn with bitterness.

"Good riddance." You scoff.

All the pain. All those years. You would never think about them again.

Your eyes shift. The last rays of sunlight lay like a stain, they fall upon a small cupboard door below the stairs.

You let the duffle-bag slip from your shoulder, and set down Hedwig's cage.

You flip the lock and push the door open. Motes of dust dance before your eyes. You peer into the shadows, into your past. A dead spider hangs within an ancient web.

A regiment of toy soldiers, broken and draped with dust line a shelf. As the sun withdraws from the hallway, a tremor passes through your face, and single tear falls, and then...

A tremendous roar murders the silence, the roar of a motor bike. You jump up and straighten, wiping the tears off of your face, and strike your head on the low door frame, winching as you pelt down the dark hall, opaque shapes racing past the windows. You trip past Hedwig's cage, sending it wobbling and then fling open the front door.

Peter greets you with a great big hug and, Michelle gives you clap on the back. Others emerge from the shadows: Wanda, Pietro, Peggy, Steve, Nick Fury, and a few others who you don't see very well. Lastly, Bruce dismounts a motorbike, and strips a pair of goggles from his face.

"Are you alright, _____? You look good." Bruce smiles.

"Yes, we get it she's just gorgeous. How about we get undercover before someone murders her." Nick Fury demands.

Everyone spills down the hallway into the living room.

You turn to Fury, "I thought you were looking after
the Prime Minister, Fury."

Magic //Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now