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You shout frantically, "Tony! Tony are you here?"

You dart into the living room and Jarvis appears.

"Jarvis, where's Tony?"

"Master Tony has left."

You glare at Jarvis, "You know where he is, don't you?"

"Master does not tell Jarvis where he goes."

"But you know."

Jarvis grins horribly, "Master will never return from the Department of Mysteries."

You stand there, gaping. Jarvis cackles in a nasty way and scampers off into another room.

"______!" A voice calls from the fireplace.

You walk towards it and suddenly a hand appears in a green flash of flames, clamps over your arm and yanks you back.

Ultron throws you to the floor, "You think you could simply walk into my office without me knowing about it?"

You glance around the room, Liz leans against the windowsill. Michelle, Wade, Peter, and Ned are under guard by the Inquisitional Squad, their wands all piled on the floor.

Ultron draws his wand and waves it at you, "Accio wand!"

Your wand flips from your pocket to Ultron's hand,
"Who were you trying to contact?"

"It's none of your business." You spit.

Ultron snorts, "Elizabeth, fetch Loki."

Liz leaves. Ultron smiles sickeningly at you, "Very well. I have to say, I have been quite patient enough with you."

Liz returns with Laufeyson.

"You wished to see me." He says coolly.

"I have just caught Marvel trying to communicate with someone in my fire. I need some Veritaserum." Ultron snaps.

"It appears I cannot help you. You used the last of my store interrogating Ms. Stacy." Laufeyson turns and leaves.

"We've played nicely, Marvel. You leave me no choice." He draws his wand, moving menacingly towards you, "You could've saved me a lot of trouble if those Dementors I sent to your house had finished you off."

You gape at him in astonishment, "You sent the Dementors?"

"Of course I did! Someone had to act!" He points his wand at your chest, "Cruico!"

You scream as the curse washes over you, you slump to the ground, shaking wildly.

"No! Stop!" Peter shouts as he begins struggling against the grip of his captor.

Ultron looks pleased and turns to him, "Well, well."

"Peter, no!" You gasp.

Peter turns to you, "We have to tell him! I won't let you get hurt!"

"I would rather him kill me!" You growl.

"Shut up, Marvel. Now talk, you stupid boy! Who were you talking to?"

"We— we're trying to find Professor Strange. We had to tell him..." Peter thinks.

"Tell him?"

"That uh, it's ready. The weapon." Peter nods in affirmation.

Magic //Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now